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Type: Posts; User: futianshenzhen

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  1. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO

    Thanks Yvonne, the petrol tank is built into the frame. It probably does around 150 kms on a full tank.
  2. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO

    Bike Sold
  3. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO

    Wow! Which company did u use and did that include them making a box? I have a crate so wouldn't have to pay for that. I could drop the price to 6k but wouldn't really want to go lower than that.
  4. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO

    Shouldn't be as much as that, last year I shipped a Jialing JH600 from Guangzhou to Shenyang for 600 RMB.
  5. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO

    It currently has knobblies on it (it takes 21" tyres) but we also have a set of on/off tyres with loads of life left in them to sell with the bike. The mods cost 5k so we are currently have 13k +...
  6. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO


    As you can see from the pics the bike has changed a fair bit. A new Yinxiang 140cc engine with clutch and electric start was fitted to the bike. Our friend who did the work thought that...
  7. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO

    Can't seem to delete that upside down thumbnail but never mind! Here's some more pics...

  8. Re: Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO

    I paid 8k for it new 2 years ago but I think they are cheaper now, maybe 7 k. My wife has been riding it and found the lack of clutch and electric start a real pain in the arse. Luckily an Italian...
  9. Highly modified CCW dirt bike for sale. 7000 ONO


    The original bike was a 125 with clutchless 3 speed semi auto box. It also only had kick start and both brakes were on the handlebars, mountain bike style.
Results 1 to 9 of 9