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Type: Posts; User: fletch7276

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  1. Sticky: Re: CFMoto 650NK/TR parts numbers and maintenance guide

    well, I gathered all my tools and necessary beverages, snacks etc to start the tear down of the bike. to my surprise (and some disappointment), the ignition coil wire had disconnected itself. bike...
  2. Sticky: Re: CFMoto 650NK/TR parts numbers and maintenance guide

    scratch that. just found a link to the manual. error code 55. cylinder ignition coil.
  3. Sticky: Re: CFMoto 650NK/TR parts numbers and maintenance guide

    Hi Guys,
    I should have knocked on wood. After posting "no problems" last month, I finally have an issue. appears to be the throttle sensor. engine light flashing (5 slow than 5 fast?). very...
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