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Type: Posts; User: prince666

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  1. Sticky: Re: CFMoto 650NK/TR parts numbers and maintenance guide

    Hi David

    How long should a clutch last?

    That would depend on how you ride if you ride solo or 2 up?

    By I would expect to see well over 70.000 km that is based on the km on my last bike...
  2. Sticky: Re: CFMoto 650NK/TR parts numbers and maintenance guide


    Thanks for the link ... the web site is a bit shity and i have saved all the pictures of the parts but cant find away to save the parts number break down so i could create a pdf file with...
  3. Sticky: Re: CFMoto 650NK/TR parts numbers and maintenance guide

    Hi Doc

    so what KPa are you using on your front and back tyres then ? it is fair to say when you are talking about a "car" that has a wider back tyre the pressure is normally less untill...
  4. Sticky: Re: CFMoto 650NK/TR parts numbers and maintenance guide

    Hi ZMC888

    Here is link to Taobao you can find all the bits you need here just check every of the 10 pages of stuff
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