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  1. Replies

    Sticky: Re: Getting a Chinese Motorcycle License

    Having been licensed through the normal legal channels in both Beijing and Shanghai, I have a hard time understanding why anyone would think it necessary to sneak down to Haikou and pay an agent 8800...
  2. Replies

    Re: Chinese Helmet - Good Quality Ones

    This isn't the first time we've covered helmet quality in MCM. There's a lot of serious research out there testing what actually happens to your head and your brain upon impact, and I can boil down...
  3. Re: Looking for used BMW 650GS or if no BMW, last resort is Jialing 600 Enduro

    OK, I googled. Here's a news item just out in the past couple of hours about the Consumer Reports motorcycle reliability research.


    Consumer Reports' first motorcycle...
  4. Re: Benelli Q.J. Opens Production Facility in Brazil

    This is interesting on a number of levels.

    First, Benelli Qianjiang is turning not to China, but to Brazil, to make its bigger displacement bikes.

    Second, it's fascinating that Benelli...
  5. Re: Looking for used BMW 650GS or if no BMW, last resort is Jialing 600 Enduro

    Searching Taobao for JH600 gives an idea of the range of parts available, and their prices, for the JH600. Quite a few bikes show up too. I remember Jialing itself used to list bikes in Taobao. Not...
  6. Replies

    A diesel hybrid -- from Hero of India!

    Wow! This story is definitely worth a read. Gizmag rocks.

    Hero's 2WD diesel-electric RNT radically rethinks the motorcycle as an all-purpose utility vehicle
  7. Re: Woman calls emergency because of foreigners riding on the gaosu in Chengdu

    Perfect pitch "translation"! Thanks for a good laugh!
  8. Re: New to everything, looking at a few bikes. . .

    Hard to beat a deal like this: a KLR650 in seemingly excellent condition for $2200. It's hard to guess its vintage, since the KLR was basically the same bike for 20+ years until a bit of an upgrade...
  9. Re: CFMoto Canada - distributor gets floorplan financing

    Hope to finally see and vaporware adventure version, but isn't it more likely the two 650cc models they launch would be the existing 650NK and 650TR?

  10. Replies

    Re: help my sell my bike

    What's this? Slabo is back in China!!!!!

    FYI, Naim, there's a couple of Shanghai JH600 riders who will be pitching up in Kunming tomorrow (Friday) around midday and heading south toward Laos.
  11. new laser lights promise extreme brightness, small size

    Just saw this in another thread. No surprise it's getting passed around a lot! BMW will have them this year...

  12. Re: Harbin to Kashgar, and wherever else theres time for

    I"m enjoying this too. Definitely worth the wait!

    Excellent storytelling. These are such typical TIC stories, but they beggar belief anyway: Sure we have hot water! No way will it rain! Oh, you...
  13. Re: What I need to know about riding a few thousand km in india?

    Dear Bakas,

    That Enfield is gorgeous, especially the color of the tank and the logo! Great find!

    Anyone in MyChinaMoto who is not following Bakas' India ride on his Facebook page is really...
  14. Re: What I need to know about riding a few thousand km in india?

    Awesome adventure! Extreme envy! India is such a sensory treat. Just look at the colors in these few images alone! I've traveled there a lot by bus, train and plane, but being on a small motorbike...
  15. Replies

    Re: Chinese Helmet - Good Quality Ones

    I cannot speak to things like half-helmets that leave so much of your head exposed, but I can speak to full-face helmets vs modulars: Once you've used a modular you'll never want to go back to a...
  16. Replies

    Re: Kiwi in Shanghai

    Congratulations! Great riding weather these couple of days. Hard to believe it's 18C in Shanghai today. (But there's no global warming.)

    If/when it gets cold again, let's meet for a beer. I'd like...
  17. Replies

    Re: Hey Folks! Question...

    Surely you mean when there are any issues... You are right to be concerned about after-sales support, or the lack thereof. Bikes sold through dealers cost more because they are on the hook for...
  18. Replies

    Sticky: Re: Getting a Chinese Motorcycle License

    Just go back with a translator, and agree to take the test in Chinese, with the translator beside you. This used to be standard operating procedure before tests were offered in English and other...
  19. Replies

    Re: My new QJiang 250-J

    Nice little cruiser. Looks like fun. What on earth brings you to Shangqiu, Henan? I bet that little red number in the background cost less than your Qianjiang! Looks like a one and a half seater; fat...
  20. Replies

    Re: Chinese Helmet - Good Quality Ones

    There are a couple of threads in MCM about helmets, and where to buy them in Shanghai.

    I'm a fan of the HJC IS-MAX, a modular helmet that is under $100.

    Start with Flip Front Helmets You'll...
  21. Re: Shanghai Motorcycle Driving School - complicated question

    Dear Xiaofei,

    Sounds like a good gig you've worked out. If you are employed with income, Shanghai is a good place to live. If you like mountains and wilderness, you'll need to allocate a portion...
  22. Re: Shanghai Motorcycle Driving School - complicated question

    Dear Xiaofei,

    The woman you dealt with is incredibly stupid and vile, and ignorant -- a typical bureaucrat abusing authority to make her feel superior to others.

    I'd check first with the...
  23. Re: What I need to know about riding a few thousand km in india?

    Check out RyanPyle's India Ride. Keep heading south into Kerala, then around the horn and up into Tamil Nadu. Rural, rural, rural. Decent roads in many places, brilliant mountains. Read God of All...
  24. Replies

    Re: Hello from Shanghai, Jing'An

    Excellent! Not far from my office. I'll certainly stop by!

    When you say you "make 8 beers on tap" does this mean you brew them there, or just serve them on tap? (Either way is fine, of course.)
  25. Replies

    Re: Hello from Shanghai, Jing'An

    You'll fit in just fine here in MCM! Now about that brewery: You're not at Boxing Cat or The Brew, since I know the brewers there, or Dr Beer, which has been trying out brewers but isn't in Xujiahui....
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