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  1. #1 CFMoto Jetmax 250T - 6A - ECU PROBLEM! 
    C-Moto Noob
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Im new in this forum. Recently my father in law bought this jetmax scooter in a good price. He knew that something was not okay with it, but he found out that it was the ECU. Now i see the prices on the internet of this part - the lowest ones are about 200$. Those are ducati i think, the part number is 01AA-174000. Someone in this forum was writing about ducati ecu's that they actually are a failure? Can someone tell something more about it? Also can you tell me which ECU should i buy? I see only ducati ones, the scooter is from 2010. Maybe some other ecu's from other bike's fit into it. Please respond, ill be very grateful. Greetings from Poland ;)
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  2. #2 Re: CFMoto Jetmax 250T - 6A - ECU PROBLEM! 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    Hi if you search the street bike section of the forum there is a lot of posts and threads on CFMoto (mainly about the 650cc) and even a sticky near the top...
    The Jetmax 250 maxi-scoot, has the Ducati ECU. A known fault now but wasn't known at the time of CFMoto manufacture/production.
    Around 2015 CFMoto moved away from the Ducati ECU in all their models to Bosch which has proven far more reliable.
    Unfortunately, the Bosch ECU system is NOT backwards compatible with the older Ducati ECU.
    Take a look at this Street bike thread you'll find a recent post about an alternative ECU (made by a 3rd party) which addresses the known or claimed causes of the Ducati ECU failures (multiple component replacements and so on).
    Unfortunately, the 2rd party ECU's are for the 650cc models i.e. 650NK, 650TR, 650TK.
    Worth looking at this YT video also.
    You might be able to contact the seller of the 3rd party ECU replacements to ascertain if there's any Jetmax ECU 3rd party replacements available.
    Otherwise it's a Jetmax Ducati ECU needed.
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