Thread: SAGA 250 mod thread
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#1 SAGA 250 mod thread
08-22-2009, 04:14 PM
Hey guys
Just wanted to start a mod thread for the Saga GY250 machines
Some ideas I am working on are different larger fuel tank, exhaust mods,what will fit for hand guards and anything that is just out right cool enduro stuff that will fit.
Suggestions off where to find stuff would be awsome too.
#2 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
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08-27-2009, 05:49 AM
The first mod I'd suggest for this bike is an extended warranty -- mine is less than 2 weeks old and it's going in for repairs tomorrow for the second time.
If you're in the Calgary area, Toys4Boys (no affiliation) has a gear replacement that will increase the cruising speed from around 100 to 120 kph, and they've got a baggage rack for them too.
I took my 2008 Saga in for it's 100km checkup. As I mentioned in another thread a friend and I each bought one at the same time. At only 60km the relay for my turn signals had burnt out, and hers stopped working due to what appeared to be a wiring harness issue. The dealer said they've had a few people come in with the burnt out relay problem, they've got a new more robust relay that can be installed in just a few minutes.
To try and get it to start easier (mine takes a good minute or so for the electric start to get the engine going) the dealer replaced the factory spark plug (which he hinted were not the greatest) with an American-made one (sorry, don't know the brand) and suggested keeping the throttle on at about 5% with the choke out while starting. It does seem to start a bit easier but I do have to either adjust the idle screw up or keep the throttle revved a little for a few minutes to prevent stalling. Ken, I tried holding the throttle all the way out like you suggested but it wouldn't start at all when I did this and stalled immediately if I did it after the bike started -- my fuel mix must be adjusted differently from yours. :S
When I got home from the 100km service, I found my gas tank was leaking. I thought some fuel might have just sloshed out of a vent but in the morning found the tank had all but emptied itself. I didn't see any cracks or punctures in the tank but I am taking it back to the dealer tomorrow and will post the results of their investigation.
Lastly, not really a mod but I found a great protected padlock that fits through the holes in the front wheel's disc (sorry, not sure if that's what it's called) -- call me paranoid but anything I can add to make the bike harder to roll away is a good thing in my books. :) -- sp
#3 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
08-27-2009, 03:33 PM
Well no fear, my signal relay went in 20 km..LOL
I bet they will warrenty your fuel tank too but I have had way better luck with my saga.At least the problems shows now and you can get the warrenty done asap.
This rack, is it different from the stock one that Saga includes with the bike? If so I'm into buying one.
We don't have too much theft of stuff in Golden but good call on the lock.I bet you need it in Calgary.
I'm on my way into Calgary today, I hope to make it over to Toysforboys if I can.
#4 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
08-27-2009, 03:37 PM
It was hold the chock up tight when starting..LOL not the throttle :)
Then feather the throttle.Mine never idles until it warms up either.I need to replace my spark plag also.I did find a aftermarket CDI that is supposed to uo 8-10 % and help but I need to order it and try it out.
#5 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
08-27-2009, 04:46 PM
Could the hard start be jetting or ignition timing?
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#6 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
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08-27-2009, 05:03 PM
Whoops, I meant to say that I was pulling the choke all the way out -- not the throttle. :) Early morning posts, you know how it is. ;) CrazyCarl, unfortunately I don't know enough about engines to hazard a guess -- I'd wondered if there's just a lot of cylinder friction which makes it easy to stall out until the cylinder expands a bit as it heats. Maybe it will get better as the piston ring(s) age?
Here's a picture of the new rack (cost was $35), it may be a Saga part but what came on the bike originally struck me as being more passenger hand-holds than anything else. Next week I can post a photo of the originals that are still on my friend's bike for comparison purposes, and she also bought some heated hand grips (I think she said they were from GW Cycle World, $40, and one of the guys at Toys4boys said he'd put them on for around $70). I'll post some info about that too once she gets it all done.
#7 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
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08-27-2009, 11:43 PM
I got my bike back from the shop, they confirmed that it was leaking fuel from the tank's weld seams (directly onto the hot exhaust I might add).
It turns out Saga had issued a recall on the fuel tank but the dealer wasn't aware of it and put the problematic tank on. If you have a Saga, particularly the 250cc 2008 Saga Enduro-style motorcycle, I strongly encourage you to phone your dealer and see if your fuel tank is one of the recalled ones!
#8 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
08-28-2009, 11:52 PM
The bag rack come stock with my bike??? You better ask.
Also I never have had a leak yet but I will gheck on recall.
SAGA CANADA can you comment to this ??
#9 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
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08-29-2009, 11:59 PM
Maybe they added the rack to yours and included it in the purchase price? Mine was $1995 including tax/freight/etc and came with the handles/rack shown in the photos on Saga Canada's product page -- here's one of the pics they've got up:
#10 Re: SAGA 250 mod thread
09-01-2009, 05:45 AM
Thats crap...LOL That rack is stock with the machine in the crate.Maybe they just figure they can sell it seperate because they offered such a awsomemly lower price on the bike.I payed way more than what forked out for your bike..LOL
Are you likeing the machine?? I have the smaller sprocket to put on,hopefully it will boost up my top speed without too much torque loss.
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