Hello all! I have a Tao Tao tbr7 motorbike that needs a clutch assembly however its sold out from Tao Tao so I have to shop aftermarket. I think the hawk 250 clutch assembly matches however I'd like to double check.
I have the SKU number for the hawk 250 clutch assembly however there no measurements on the dealership part site. How can I search the internet and find the clutch assembly part measurements including outer diameter, for this part as well as other parts. I heard there exists a mechanics manual for every motorbike (not owners manual but a more detailed manual including parts/repairs for Mechanics) and a "master network" of manufacturers, part numbers and details that is kept secret amongst business' and manufactures. Can anybody help me researching more part specs, or know anything about acquiring a Tao Tao tbr7/ X-pro hawk 250 mechanics manual, or where I can find the mythical "master network".