I don't know if this happens only to me ..

I went to re-fuel 2 weeks before D-day to a gas station near my home in BJ, which is located 150 m inside the 4th ring road. The guys refused to give me any fuel, stating "new regulation". I took off and tried another station across the street, 200 m inside the 4th again. Same thing - no fuel for bikes.

Starting to be a bit pissed off, I went to another one, 22.5 m outside the 4th ring and could re-fuel the bike without any problem.
A couple of days later I wanted to fill up in Huairou, about 50 kms away from downtown BJ and was refused - card only, new regulation. A few kms down the road towards BJ I tried to get fuel again. They checked my plate and found it good, so they gave me what I wanted, gasoline.

This morning, at the pump (the one 22.5 m outside ring 4), they checked my plate AND asked for the rego book - new regulation they say.

I am going to use my car to collect some gallons of 97 gasoline for my bike - just in case there comes a new regulation into force