Thread: Suzuki Similarities ?
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#1 Suzuki Similarities ?
01-09-2010, 03:45 PM
So I hear talk of the Qingqi Qlink and other variants with the 200cc motor having some similarities to the Suzuki DR200, if that is so, my vehicle being the 125cc version, is it likely it has similarities with the Suzuki DR125 ? On viewing an image of the DR125, I can see the similarities aside from obvious enhancements on the Suzuki machine, and the SM variant, does look a smart machine indeedSuzuki%20DR125SM%2008.jpg
But if my XF-125-GY does have similarities to the DR125, like the bigger capacity 200cc Qingqi, how far would those similarities extend ? Can I use it as a basis for sourcing after market parts in lieu of the Pulse Adrenaline standard parts ?
#2 Re: Suzuki Similarities ?
01-10-2010, 04:37 AM
Sprocket, it would depend on what parts you are looking for. As far as I've learned, the engine parts should be interchangable between the 125cc bikes. Beyond that, you'll have to do some searching and find what others have found out. Is there any particular part or parts you are looking for?
#3 Re: Suzuki Similarities ?
01-10-2010, 01:02 PM
No specific part I am seeking, besides an alternative chain and sprocket kit, and if there is a possibility to upgrade my 486 chain set to 520 pitch, but for future reference, exhaust options, tyres and maintenance items. As you are aware, if a Japanese manufacturers name can be mentioned in the quest for parts, people, can be more accomodating than they might be when they have knowledge the bike is Chinese, the Jap snobbery comes into play.
But as an aside, I from a mechanics point of view can see no real problem with these Chinese bikes, they are well put together, the styling is ok and they work. Negatives might be problems with corrosion resistance and fragile plastics, and that, is it, my gripes about these machines. Japanese bikes when they first arrived in the west were also known for their lack of corrosion resistance, something they have to a large extent corrected now. They were also known for quirky styling and iffy chrome, but that too has gone now, the Chinese tackle the problem areas, and in years to come, it will be another countries manufacturing capabilities that will be getting the snobbery factor, the Chinese manufacturers having become accepted motorcycle brands.
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