As always happens when you ask your wife you get and answer that will more than likely change.

I asked my wife if I should sell the Shineray GY-7 that hauled us across the south of China last summer, she looked at me and said sure, sell it why do we need two bikes.

Well here I am not even a few weeks after the sale of the bike and my wife is telling me she wants to ride across Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxai and the place with 27 websites and chewing me out for selling the Shineray.

My wife seems serious about the trip. She was out on the Qingqi all day yesterday building her confidence. When she got back I asked her if she was still serious about the trip and she said yes. She wants to do a trip where she is in command of the bike and not just looking at the back of my helmet.

It's now time to start the prep.

I've got some bike shopping to do. Some walkie talkies to buy, some camping gear to grab, some bike upgrades to plan and some maps to look at.

Anyone have any ideas on bikes? routes? places to see etc?