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  1. #1 Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    Administrator-tron CrazyCarl's Avatar
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    Since we've changed the forum software, the process of uploading attachments has changed a bit and can be undestandably confusing esp. since the colors of the Asset Manager window make it's a little difficult to read. The following are some quick steps I hope will simplify the process. If you have any suggestions or questions about this, please add them here. Thanks!


    1) Click the button in the post editor... this will bring up another window for managing attachments.
    2) Then click the "Add files" button. This will bring up yet another window which will ask you to "Select Files"
    3) Hit the "Select Files" button and you will get a browser window. Navigate to the file, select it and then click the "Open" button
    4) Then click the "Upload Files" button on the Select Files window.
    5) You should now see your file in the "Attachments" section of the "File Upload Manager" window.
    6) Click "Insert Attachments" and you're done!
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  2. #2 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    Motorcycle Addict chinabiker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCarl View Post
    3) Hit the "Select Files" button and you will get a browser window. Navigate to the file, select it and then click the "Open" button
    Ctrl + click allows multiple file selection (WinXP + FF 3.6 tested)
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  3. #3 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    listen something needs to be done about the complicated way photos have to be uploaded... it stinks!!! also the colours of the different pop up windows are absolute crap, extremely difficult to read, and mostly cannot be read at all... how about a simple drag and drop interface like most other websites use? And what about when trying to upload more than 5 photos... have to go back and forth between several steps to accomplish such a simple task... and then even so with the 5 photo limit, once the 5 photos have been uploaded into the webpage it's too complicated to add another 5... rant over... personally though adding lots of photos on MCM is such a chore...
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  4. #4 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    Duct tape savant felix's Avatar
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    Why not do like most of us here on MCM and just host your photos somewhere else? I use flickr, AW uses smugmug, ChinaV has his own server...

    Until MCM has better a photo uploading system, external hosting is your best option!
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  5. #5 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    Senior C-Moto Guru euphonius's Avatar
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    I also use smugmug, and just experimented using flickr. Seems it didn't work. Here's another try:

    Though I think I've managed to get this right, in general I find the various Yahoo products to be very difficult to figure out. SmugMug is easier than falling out of bed.

    Last edited by euphonius; 07-26-2010 at 03:09 AM.
    2010 JH600 "Merkin Muffley" (in Shanghai)
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  6. #6 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by felix View Post
    Why not do like most of us here on MCM and just host your photos somewhere else? I use flickr, AW uses smugmug, ChinaV has his own server...
    Until MCM has better a photo uploading system, external hosting is your best option!
    Hey Felix, thanks for the headsup. A few of the other regulars have been in touch (thanks to you guys too!) outlining how they deal with the photos etc. As it is I have flcikr too, so I may make the time to experiment with that at some point. For now I'll just tide-ho since I've uploaded all the photos for the Jetmax report into multiple posts... LOL.
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  7. #7 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by euphonius View Post
    I also use smugmug, and just experimented using flickr. Seems it didn't work. Here's another try:
    Though I think I've managed to get this right, in general I find the various Yahoo products to be very difficult to figure out. SmugMug is easier than falling out of bed.
    ... or parking a Lambo in BJ amongst the local riff-raff...
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  8. #8 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    grumpy old sod jape's Avatar
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    Yes, and the photos uploaded directly always come out smaller which is a pain after careful editing and resizing to allow for people with dialup. What sites can you 'in China' folks actually see directly? Flikr from Euphonius worked above, Felix's always work.

    I tend to write the copy as a post (remembering to 'copy' as I go because long posts timeout and get annoyingly lost sometimes), then upload the five pics inline from a file on my computer (not as thumbnails) and then just move them into the text of the post where I want. I have tried writing a word .doc and .pdf and inserting it but that doesn't work either. So is the general consensus it is best to use Flikr or similar and write offline including links to your pics then cut and paste into a post?
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  9. #9 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    Duct tape savant felix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jape View Post
    So is the general consensus it is best to use Flikr or similar and write offline including links to your pics then cut and paste into a post?
    That's what i do yeah. Flickr is not the most convenient way, but as opposed to smugmug, it is free. I used to use phtobucket but it's very slow here in china whereas flickr seems to work ok.

    To put a flickr pic in my posts, i pick the pic i want in flickr and click "all sizes", then copy the photo's url at the bottom of the page and paste it into [IMG][/IMG] code in my text.

    I presume this is what other people are doing but if there's a quicker way please speak!
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  10. #10 Re: Uploading Attachments on MCM 
    Senior C-Moto Guru euphonius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by felix View Post
    To put a flickr pic in my posts, i pick the pic i want in flickr and click "all sizes", then copy the photo's url at the bottom of the page and paste it into [IMG][/IMG] code in my text.
    Felix, that's indeed the method I stumbled onto today. Lord knows it was not intuitive. Getting pix into flickr is pretty easy from iPhoto. I can just select whatever I want to upload, click the flickr icon, and off they go.

    I still prefer SmugMug for ease of managing pix online, but Flickr has that nice way of capturing revenues if someone wants to license your pix....

    2010 JH600 "Merkin Muffley" (in Shanghai)
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