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  1. #1 Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    C-Moto Guru
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    May 2009
    Went shopping with slabo last week, he went for the XY200GY-7 - I went for the X2 in Supermoto trim.

    The dealer has no idea what they are selling, so have to wait what commes out of the box.
    Information on the differences between the Enduro and Supermoto are hard to get, so far I'm certain that the wheels (rims & tires) are different. Others I will compare with the Enduro XY250GY-2 in the shop. Ohhh and the price, the Supermoto is 1000RMB more, lets see what I get for...

    I contacted user shineray from this forum, he send me an english manual already. I'm looking for more infos for the Honda NX250 derived engine and a smaller KTM regarding suspension and drivetrain - seems these are suitable reference points.

    Now it means waiting, delivery time is less the 40 days, but they dont know the details. No big deal I will leave next week and be back only in May, by then it should be ready.

    When delivery is there I will keep this thread updated...
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  2. #2 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    C-Moto Guru
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    May 2009
    Update: the 40 days were just a guess by the dealer - as stated earlier "They have no clue..."
    Called them in between for updated delivery time, last call was yesterday same answer: "Delivery will be befor the 40 days, but when we dont know"

    Today a very excited Mr Li called, the bike arrived. A pity I left already, so it need to spend few more days in the warehouse.

    1. the delivery time for the XY250GY-2 is 2 weeks only,
    2. the stated 40 days - 6 weeks delivery time is just a safety caution of the dealer because see 3.
    3. the dealers have no access to a track & trace system, dont bother them, they are as clueless as you

    I will be back in May...update then
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  3. #3 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    Senior C-Moto Guru
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    May 2009
    was in China. will be back
    Your bike sitting quietly in a box!

    that's not how its supposed to be used

    A peek at the front tire

    A peak at the rear tire.
    Better now, sorry did not notice pics were too big.
    Last edited by slabo; 04-18-2010 at 05:39 AM.
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  4. #4 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    C-Moto Guru
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    May 2009
    picked up the bike yesterday and drove it home 20km. Its waiting in the garden for the afternoon ride.
    I will take some pictures later.

    As we picked it up - slabo joined to fix some issues - one guy with a XY250-GY 2 in Enduro trim showed up, it was recently registered with 800km on it and he said no pain at all. For him no problems so far.

    out riding now
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  5. #5 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    C-Moto Guru
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    May 2009
    Thats what I found after arrival it was sitting there for 3 weeks already:

    The bike after assembly at the shop

    The registration of the other guy - question was where to fix the front license plate:

    we found an answer...

    The afternoon ride, stop at a small reservoir just west of Kunming, ideal place to pitch your tent:

    I went over it with the wrench to fix the screws, so far nothing lost...but nearly, after initial round in front of the
    shop a screw of the engine was nealy gone. Next thing, get Loctide and go over it again.

    It rides quiete smooth, made 100km today in a loop around Kunming. Some problems came up:
    - the rear brake cylinder is leaking! - back to the shop ASAP

    - some of the wire harness in the front mask is quite shabby routed - need to re-route

    - the location of the rear brake pedal is not suitable for me, adjustment is already at max. need to find a adjustable replacement part

    The Fastace rearshock is fully adjustable - great, still need to play with it a bit to find the ideal setting, thats part of the fun...

    The front is also fully adjustable, but you cant reach it with normal tools, the handlebar blocks it
    will need to sacrifice a screwdriver

    Some small dents in the cooling surface, no leakage...its stilll a Chinese bike assembled by Chinese craftsmens

    The handlebars need to come up - some risers are on the shopping list too

    The seat is okay for what I did today - lets see how it handles longer rounds.

    Besides these I want add some other things - will surely not follow in Pfaelzers steps.
    'Workshop' facilities are limited, but lets see what I can squeeze out of the Kunmingnese craftmans.

    - Handguards - maybe something similar as slabo has on his XY200GY-7

    - Engine protection, alloy or stainless? Any opinions on that?

    - Some luggage racks & cases - I liked the attempt of ChinaV for the Galaxys, will look into this.

    @Franki & ChinaV if you pass through Kunming on your trip give me a shout, would like to have a look on your
    tinkered out Galaxy. Will have some cold ones ready for sure...
    Last edited by andre555; 05-09-2010 at 12:09 PM. Reason: pictures...
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  6. #6 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    C-Moto Guru
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    May 2009
    Sorry guys, I will use this just as my private notepad on all bike related things I dig out

    Here is what the factory cant provide - a parts list:

    Nice and informative Homepage on the bike, engine improvement, confirmed exchange parts with KTM, lots of specs...
    These guys in Sweden (not Norway) race the X2 and have some upgrades up there sleves.
    Last edited by andre555; 05-09-2010 at 03:20 PM.
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  7. #7 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    Rides with Ann Pfaelzer's Avatar
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    Hong Kong, China, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, USA, Pirmasens
    Hi andree555,

    nice bike you got there. No need at all to follow my footprint in spending a fortune of time and money to pep up a chinese bike. What I am interested in would be a comparison between your bike and the Galaxy XTR250. Anyone out there, who can tell more about the difference. Based on the look, the Shineray seems to be bigger and more suitable for an adventure bike rather than the Galaxy, which seems to be more on the track side.

    Hope to hear more from you on your Shineray explorations .

    Modifications and talk around the JH600

    My New JH600
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  8. #8 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    Moto Scholar moilami's Avatar
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    Finland - Vanda
    Quote Originally Posted by andre555 View Post
    - Handguards - maybe something similar as slabo has on his XY200GY-7

    - Engine protection, alloy or stainless? Any opinions on that?
    I recommend definetly get those new hand guards which include protection to clutch and brake levers.

    About engine guard, your bike is light so it wont need heavy protection. Light alloy should also keep it lighter than it would be with stainless steel guard. It depends how you drive and where you drive. You are not a race driver so it don't have to be that light, but on the other hand you probably wont drive your bike hard on the rocks where steel guard could give more protection. A choise between maximum* security and slightly better performance. Chose one fitting you best.

    * Edit: better security, not maximum security.
    Last edited by moilami; 05-09-2010 at 03:20 PM. Reason: Bad wording
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  9. #9 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    C-Moto Guru
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    May 2009
    Hi Pfaelzer,

    love to see what you did and do on the Jialing. I will do things as they come up, first get registration fixed to be leagl, fix the issues the shop is able to and see how they repond to other requierements...

    ... What I am interested in would be a comparison between your bike and the Galaxy XTR250. Anyone out there, who can tell more about the difference. Based on the look, the Shineray seems to be bigger and more suitable for an adventure bike rather than the Galaxy, which seems to be more on the track side....

    Regarding the size of the Shineray, you are its much more a full size bike then the Galaxy. I have seen the Galaxy too but went for the Shineray as it's just a different size, I'm bit taller and enjoy the Chinese food, so the 'fullsize' of the Shineray was the selling point. Besides it also looks good
    Not much Info available on it, especially on legallity in China. Most users here are more into the Galaxy, its proven legal, performs and if I had the factory at my doorsteps I would have probably went the same way

    Lets see how it holds up - cross the fingers, I will also light some incense the temples I pass
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  10. #10 Re: Shineray XY250GY-2 (aka X2) 
    Moto Scholar moilami's Avatar
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    Finland - Vanda
    Andre, I saw you have changed super moto tyres and wheels on your bike. I haven't ever tried that kind of configuration but I have been very curious how is it. What fascinates me is the increased tarmac performance but what turns me off is decreased dirt and off-road performance. But since most of the time I will be spending time in Tarmac anyway, I wonder would it be worth it. It has not become a popular choise to use super moto tires, maybe because bikers are conservative? This makes me puzzled, would need to try them myself but I don't want to spend money in them in vain if they would be disappointing after initial woo! factor enthusiasm wears off.
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