The trigger has been pulled. The contract is signed and on the way to Jialing and the money was also wired this morning. Ordered a blue Euro model with all the options. Supposed to be here in 45 days or so. I am very happy to have found this web site to get so much information on the bike in advance. Saved me a ton of research time. Should be an interesting adventure. I am hoping I can enjoy the bike as much as some or you that already have them seem to enjoy yours. I know it is no 1200GSA but it did not cost US$40K either! Until it arrives, the cj750 is actually behaving itself and running pretty well and I am going to the USA for a few days of riding the Big Bend in May on the 1200GSA so I will still have some saddle time till the JH600 gets here.

He who dies with the most toys...Wins!