Yea I feel the same moilami solo works for me to should be a lot of fun. The organizing sure is being a challenge, mostly because I have not seen the bike in real life yet only pictures. I will have 1 day with the bike to prep it and set it up then I will be off for the adventure. For me the goal of this ride is to dispel some of the prejudice here against Chinese bikes, we have had to many importers who have just brought in the cheapest bikes they could get and sell them at as high a profit as possible. The result has been to many Chinese bikes that were rubbish, the other problem has been some owners take the attitude that it’s just a cheep bike so they don’t do proper maintenance. No bike can survive for any length of time without proper maintenance. My bike will get it’s run in services done roadside, as I am sure will the puncture repairs etc as I intend to ride as much dirt road as possible for the 3000 klms. The importer I am working with for this ride is most certainly not in this category, he wants the best bike he can get. Hopefully my “little ride in country” will change the prejudices of some people. But most of all I am going to have a great time.