Thread: a short trip with the GF
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#1 a short trip with the GF
05-02-2010, 11:15 AM
Not a real ride report, just a comment or two; I took the GF for a longer ride than up the road and back this weekend - she has been pestering me for a ride and as the ignition coil in my car stuffed, she got the 'bike ride, just fifty km or so under the full moon.
Nothing particularly bad happened despite me fears, just blew the headlamp bulb (at night) so had to ride full beam ... and the exhaust cover plate bolts both vibrated off so she burnt her new shoe badly!
Interestingly the little Kinlon 200cc r/t took the extra weight with absolutely no problem; I was surprised as although slightly slower through the gears it still went up to top speed of 95-100 kph very easily and cruised there happily, I hardly noticed she was on the back and she weighs about 50kg I guess, plus she had luggage. Somehow I strapped it and her on with an assortment of bungees (no rack).
She enjoyed it despite the cold and complained only of the bumps, I find the bike soft but she finds it harsh. Hmmm, I thought she was just whinging but when I rode alone today I sat right back into her passenger position for a while and bugger me it was very harsh, seems the seating behind the shocker magnifies the bumps and they are sharp and painful whereas front ride is quite soft. Not sure what I can do about that.
The only other thing was some lightening of the steering enough to wake me up but not dangerous.
I don't expect to use this 'bike much off-road, it has its purpose because all the roads near me are mainly dirt and gravel, so I don't mind playing with springs and shocks to improve the two-up ride and handling a bit, any suggestions, would you soften both?
Oh yeah, I couldn't find an easy way to carry a spare helmet, if I can fix up a rack, do any of the standard lock boxes people know of suit a helmet or am I stuck with a big rucksack bungee-strapped on?
#2 Re: a short trip with the GF
05-02-2010, 11:45 AM
Heh, thanks of the very interesting and good report, was a good read, but still plzzzz plzzzz plzzzz pretty plzzzz gief picssss next time
I am very fond of photogpraphy and pics doesn't have to be pro quality to be good ride report pics. It seems china bikes are adventure bikes par excellence
That two-up thing worried me when I made the decision to buy Galaxy, almost chose another bike because of that, but then thought that oh well, at times one needs to do sacrifices for greater good and just go soloAlso since I don't take men for a ride I thought it might not matter if there is not so much room on the seat for two
Have to just hope the chassis wont break.
I am not sure what were all your requirements in transporting the helmet. But what worked for me better than well was to get "octopussy net", dunno how it is called in English. It was good for all kind of small luggage and especially good it was for a helmet. A picture can be found below from the link.
It is a flexible net which have like six hooks.
#3 Re: a short trip with the GF
05-02-2010, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the net idea, I have trailer net like that but never seen the small ones, will check it out. I didn't think of pics, didn't think the tale was interesting enough! I could have taken some great pics of GF and bike in the moonlight - except I didn't have a camera with me, sorry! Will take the phone that has a camera in it next time.
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