Thread: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
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#1 Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
05-27-2010, 08:59 PM
Hey folks
I was thinking as an alternative to a big bore kit for my Pulse Adrenaline, I could do a complete engine swap. Does anyone know what engines could drop straight into the pulses frame? Im guessing that the Superbyke RMR200 uses the same frame, so would that or a DR200 fit straight in? Any suggestions?
Pulse Adrenaline 125 (XF125GY-2B)
#2 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
05-28-2010, 05:47 PM
As far as I know it should. Putting a 250 in there would require some new welds but a 200 should be a pretty close (if not exact) match. If there were any differences my guess would be mounting points at the head but even those may be the same.
Probably best to find someone with a DR200 and take some measurements!
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#3 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
05-31-2010, 07:44 PM
Thanks. I may have to hunt for a dr200 engine then. I would opt for a big bore kit, but I am yet to find a supplier here in the UK.
Pulse Adrenaline 125 (XF125GY-2B)
#4 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
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06-13-2010, 03:28 PM
theres a qingqi 200 engine on ebay at the moment. This will go straight in your bike! Here's the link:
#5 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
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09-13-2010, 12:20 PM
Hi guys
I was thinking that is it possible to put a qingqi 200cc cilinder in a qingqi 125cc engine? Do you think that the new 200cc cilinder will fit in the 125cc engine and the original cilinder head will fit in the new cilinder?
It's pretty easy to buy a qingqi 200cc cilinder piston and everything.
I'm not an expert, so I ask you to help me. It's possible or it will require a large engine transformation?
thank you
#6 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
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09-13-2010, 04:07 PM
I did read somewhere that you cant stick the 200 cylinder on because the crank is different but i cant conferm that, if i was you ild email
aka link above and ask them because there a massive importer of the pulse adrenaline bike and other's
#7 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
#8 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
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09-13-2010, 09:43 PM
ebay my friend, sellers called samv-tec chinese fella, there £85 deliverd, includes everything you need to get going and theve been good reports, ive had a talk with someone that runs a 150 bore kit and hes had good reports too, heres a youtube link to show the bike with new kit, sadly not a driving vid
ill agree with the dr200 engine as your buying a suzuki branded engine so you know it reliable and easy to get parts @ cheap prices, if i was to get a dr200 engine in there ild make some braces at the engine mount just to be on the same side, couldnt think of anything worse that your engine falling out @ 70mph haha, let us know how you get on, and ill post info when i get my 150 kit
heres the link to save you time
#9 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
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01-10-2011, 01:02 AM
Any update on this? I'm looking at doing somthing similar - is the bore kit any good?
#10 Re: Pulse Adrenaline 125 Engine swap
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01-10-2011, 12:12 PM
I have this kit at home and I'll fit it in the next week maybe.
I know a friend of mine who have one kit 150 and until now he had no problems with it (2000km).
Also a mechanical told me that the piston is not the best of the market, but it has a good quality.
I'll take the risk and try to make the change myself (125cc to 150cc), I think that I have all the tools needed at home, service manual of suzuki yes EN125,...
Anyone knows if my bike (XF125GY) uses the same values as suzuki yes 125 GN (valve gaps, bolts torque, etc...)?
Thank you
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