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  1. #31 Re: The New Polish Streetfighter, based on chinese engine and frame 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    May 2010
    Are they only assembling the bikes in Poland?

    It is difficult to say for sure....the products are indentical or nearly indentical.
    Last edited by MJH; 07-28-2010 at 06:39 PM.
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  2. #32 Re: The New Polish Streetfighter, based on chinese engine and frame 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MJH View Post
    I visited your linked website….mostly Jinlun cruisers? Is that were you are hearing criticism of the Division’s design?
    No, the shape of this bike was criticized.
    The chinese cruisers sold by ROMET are most popular and rather positive opnions about it. But never mind.

    In Poland blown up the scandal about this bike, beacuse somebody found the SENKE offer with this bike too. Who knows, maybe it was yours revelations from this forum.
    The motorcycle media was explain allegations, they tryed to lie the public that is polish design... so, big "divisiongate".
    And management of ROMET had stated this (original text):

    "Gratuluję czytelnikom oraz konkurencji czujności. Świadczy ona o dużym zainteresowaniu Rometem 249 Division.

    Motocykl został zaprojektowany w Polsce i produkcja tego modelu odbywać będzie się w Podgrodziu k./Dębicy. Niektre komponenty będą produkowane w jednej z fabryk Rometa na płnocy kraju.

    Skoro oficjalnie przeszliśmy do etapu drugiego prezentacji produktu, oczywistym jest, że zamierzaliśmy uruchomić wkrtce taką informację z kategorii korporacyjnych.

    Division w swoim założeniu ma zasięg eksportowy i ilościowy sięgający nie tylko Polski, Europy ale rwnież odległych rynkw Ameryki Południowej i Afryki. Logistycznie obsługa takiego eksportu ma sens z terytorium Chin i sprawdza się w przypadku filozofii zaopatrzeniowej i sprzedażowej znanych marek. W Chinach w fabrykach X, Y produkuje lokalnie i eksportowo Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Piaggo, czy Peugeot, docierając stamtąd na rynki mniej wymagające.

    Z przyjemnością informujemy, że Romet jako marka światowa, korzystając z potencjału eksportowego zaprzyjaźnionej od wielu sezonw fabryki Senke, udzieliła jej oficjalnie licencji na produkcję Divisiona na rynki pozaeuropejskie.

    Serdecznie pozdrawiam,
    Agnieszka Starzyk
    Dyrektor Romet Motors"


    translation by google, word by word beacuse language of this statement is too difficult for me, to translation:

    "I congratulate the readers and competition vigilance. It provides a lot of interest Romet 249 Division.

    The motorcycle was designed in Poland (Exactly such categorical > L.) and production of this model will be in the Podgrodzie, near Dębica City. Some components will be manufactured in one of Romet factory in the northside.

    Once officially moved to the second stage of the product presentation, it is clear, that we wanted to start soon this information from the corporate category . (probably about the SENKE cooperation, I guess > L.)

    In its assumption Division has a range of quantitative export and extending not only to Polish, European but also to distant markets in South America and Africa. Logistically support such exports has a sense of Chinese territory and verify if the philosophy of sourcing and sales brands. In China, factories X, Y, produced locally and Export Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Piaggo, or Peugeot, arriving there in less demanding markets.

    We are pleased to announce that Romet as a worldwide brand, using the export potential friend, for many seasons, factory "Senke", officially granted its license to manufacture Division on overseas markets.

    Best Regards
    Agnieszka Starzyk
    Director Romet Motors"


    So, what you think about this?
    The good side of this case is that We at last knows, they cooperate with SENKE, not with JINLUN, what we expect before. :D
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  3. #33 Re: The New Polish Streetfighter, based on chinese engine and frame 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    They obviously have a working relationship with SENKE.
    Romet is a real manufacturer so they have the ability to do more then just import and can take that or those aspect on domestically. They are saying that that they are or will produce the bike in Poland.
    Made in China assembled in Poland…..eventually?
    What is the cost difference? Fully made in china at first to make enough to pay for the eventual assembly process in Poland, be careful not to prevent what you eventually want to see happen from happening.
    Sundown is doing it in Brazil….Zanella is doing it in Argentina…Romet is doing it in Poland.
    Who does it best for less….that’s capitalism in a global economy.
    If Romet can get that bike produced in a durable and reliable form thats inexpensive it has international marketability. If it is done all in Poland or only partly done at least Poland has a piece of it, some do not even have that. The bigger they grow the larger the unit sales the more Poland gets from that, if you cannot have all of it, then its best to have the head of it all based domestically….those jobs are best.
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  4. #34 Re: The New Polish Streetfighter, based on chinese engine and frame 
    grumpy old sod jape's Avatar
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    central victoria, australia
    This has become a strange but interesting thread. It is fascinating to project ahead a decade or more and see robotic factories manufacturing 'bikes and delivering worldwide with head offices/front companies etc. all lost in the International 'net. Personally I don't give a flying F for countries/states, capitalism nor communism. Wikileaks was the final nail in that coffin for me. Bastids the lot of them. Fukkemall.

    With the best of all intentions I just want what I can get for as little as possible with as little harm as possible to others and the environment etc. etc. I am not that different to most consumers. I certainly would like that machine if they send it to Aus at a fair price.
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  5. #35 Re: The New Polish Streetfighter, based on chinese engine and frame 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    There seem to be some confusion between designing and producing, the production of a design and the production of a motorcycle.
    Research and development seems to have been done in Poland in partnership with SENKE in china.
    Its a ROMET design that is based on existing Chinese manufactured components. The first working prototype was likely made at SENKE.
    A back and fourth process between the two and the results are a good bike that they both can sell into different markets.
    ROMET claims that they built a logistical system for distribution through Europe, thats important as thats how you actually get the bike. Thats how it is supported in the market and seems like the ROMET name is being used to get the products into the market.
    If the labor and costs to produce it at what ever level, from manufacturing all or some of the components to just assembling those made elsewhere is cost effective then they can do that if not they cannot. They cannot because other brands will be chosen over them?
    It is nationalism thats what this is all about, did or is ROMET lying to the nationalist? Are the nationalist loyal or would they demand ROMET manufacture in Poland and then buy Chinese? If the price is higher then nationalism is tested.
    My point is that if a nation requires a portion of the process be done domestically, then if SENKE opens a facility in Poland would the enthusiasm be less.the entire line within that; as in the total inputs and value added and extracted along that line has proportions. What proportion added and derived is domestic particularly the labor who is getting the most out of it, beyond what the consumer pays but who gets what part of that? Sometimes nearly half is spent domestically and that when all the manufacturing is done out side the country. That being the total price's highest component cost is manufacturing, but other component costs are close to it proportionaly.
    The bike can and often does enter the country with a cost less then half the retail price. How much does domestic manufacturing add to the price? $500.00, $750.00 or maybe as much as $1000.00 per unit?
    What is or would be a crime is the cost being low and the retail price still reflecting an amount high enough to manufacturer domestically, in that the question is are they selling for less or are they just really profitable. If they are really profitable then what are they doing to insure more is being offered in the future not only in products but in the percentage of domestic contribution.
    People need to work, the Chinese have the most people, they get the most work. That is supply and demand they have a huge supply of labor, so they are willing to work for less. But that will never change so the other nation cannot give it all away they have to ensure the process is shared and integrated across markets.
    Regulations can insure fairness as well as unfairness..its a matter of knowledge and understanding of the entire picture.

    Regualtions for under 250cc for beginners and those bikes assembled domestically, that ensures public safety and also promotes integration of production in the market domestically. Parts made domestically get assembled for that domestic market and exported to be assembled in another domestic market.
    That also insures spare part supplies domestically as in the parts are imported so they would be readily available. It also insures that ability to supplement parts domestically as in make them if they can do that better and for less.
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