I totally agree with everything you've said. the reason why i say that there's method to the madness, is that most times, chinese drivers can be rather predictable. you KNOW they're gonna force you to yield to them, that they'll cut you off unexpectedly, or just pretend they don't see you. vietnam was a whole different ballgame!
i think what they meant by trying a scooter first is that you can learn to ride a manual one and get the hang of the gear changing, as i think manual scooters don't have clutch? after getting a hang of gear changing, then throw in the clutch to the combo on a real bike and it'll be easier to manage..
anyway, different strokes for different folks!
excited to be going to zhejiang, the place i'm going is a small little town, my friends hometown actually, so there should be plenty of perfect places to learn!
beijing isn't too bad right now, evening out at a nice 8c, but after the rain it's supposed to drop like another 10c, with the possibility of snow next week..
thanks for the birthday wishes! yup, oct 21 :)
what's it like riding in shanghai? i lived there for two years when i first came to china, but fell in love with beijing so moved up here instead.
i've never noticed bikes in shanghai, apart from on that elevated road on the way to hongqiao airport.. i remember envying how they were speeding along, zigzaging through the traffic, whilst all i could do was sit in the back of my taxi and pray i wouldn't miss my flight.. haha