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  1. #11 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    I don't want to be a smart ass, but get out on that Scalpel and ride some dirt! The poor Cannondale doesn't deserve weight being added, as you'd possibly end up leaving it road state, with slicks and batteries hanging on it. Buy yourself a real road bike, even the ones that Giant and Merida sell for 3000RMB ish are pretty reasonable, you can fly along at 30-40 kmh on that.

    Not sure about lycra clothing though, but I'm always willing to make a few exceptions .
    Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time -- whether past or future -− as your new frame of reference. Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities.
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  2. #12 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Life Is Good! ChinaV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    I don't want to be a smart ass, but get out on that Scalpel and ride some dirt!
    For five years I enjoyed having almost 200 kilometers of mountain biking trails outside my front door. In the last year they've paved half of it, I'm sure it won't be long before the rest of it gone as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    Buy yourself a real road bike, even the ones that Giant and Merida sell for 3000RMB ish are pretty reasonable, you can fly along at 30-40 kmh on that.
    I would get a nice road bike to ride to work if it didn't involve two 400+ meter hill climbs. You're either going up or down the whole way and it's all twisty, so you don't make up any time on the downhills. That's the main reason I was looking at a little assistance from an electric. It's not the distance, it's the hills.

    Lycra clothing.... nice

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  3. #13 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    For five years I enjoyed having almost 200 kilometers of mountain biking trails outside my front door. In the last year they've paved half of it, I'm sure it won't be long before the rest of it gone as well.
    They love doing that, gotta have car mobility, eh? We got more hardcore when they started doing that in our area and moved from the wider tracks to farmers' single track paths and mountain footpaths. We're always one step ahead.

    I would get a nice road bike to ride to work if it didn't involve two 400+ meter hill climbs.
    Ah if you don't gain the time back on descents...I suppose things depend on how steep the ascents and descents actually are.
    Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time -- whether past or future -− as your new frame of reference. Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities.
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  4. #14 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Life Is Good! ChinaV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    moved from the wider tracks to farmers' single track paths and mountain footpaths. We're always one step ahead.
    My mountain footpaths have been turned into concrete walkways with stairs, thus ensuring the people driving their BMW's up to the mountain will not have to endure coming in contact with nature. I'm surprised they still let the trees live . The last bits of wilderness that remains is slowly being turned into cemeteries, which I've learned is the best real estate based business going in China these days.

    Given my location, I've actually been very lucky to have the place all these years, from 2000-2006 I never saw another person up there, and it was like having my own personal nature sanctuary out my back door. There are other areas to go cycling, but they all involve getting in the car and bringing the bike somewhere. Oh well, that's progress in China.

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  5. #15 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Ahh... I have devised this method. Everyone buys a mountain bike , a spare quick release hub and a motorcycle . The quick release hub is then welded or multiple zip tied to the left or right passenger peg of your motorcycle. Your mountain bike forks or rear dropouts (depending on the size of your front hub QR) is then attached to your motorcycle rear foot peg and the rest of the MTB is then attached by bungee ropes. Then you go find a hill miles away from the ruined local concreted shit. The end result wouldn't look quite like this
    (but you get the idea).

    The MTB weighs about 20-30% of a Chinese girl, and has less air resistance, meaning over a weekend, you have your motorcycle and MTB cake and eat both! New trails can be found with Google earth and GPS We haven't tried this yet, but we will be next spring.
    Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time -- whether past or future -− as your new frame of reference. Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities.
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  6. #16 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    C-Moto Guru
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    407 When a motorcycle loads goods, the height should not be ____ longer than the motorcycle.
    A. 2 meters
    B. 1 meter
    C. 0.5 meter
    D. 0.2 meter
    Answer: D

    Note: "Height" yes, it's in a questionbank document I have like this!

    However, TIC ofcourse!

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  7. #17 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry When a motorcycle loads goods, the height should not be ____ longer than the motorcycle.
    A. 2 meters
    B. 1 meter
    C. 0.5 meter
    D. 0.2 meter
    Answer: D

    Note: "Height" yes, it's in a questionbank document I have like this!

    However, TIC ofcourse!
    Quote Originally Posted by Z
    The quick release hub is then welded or multiple zip tied to the left or right passenger peg of your motorcycle...the end result wouldn't look quite like this..(but you get the idea).
    I'm sure I can keep this legal under Chinese law. But would I really care if things stuck out a few extra centimeters, the fine would be 50 RMB or less if I was caught? I still don't even wait at traffic lights in China, but I yield at least !
    Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time -- whether past or future -− as your new frame of reference. Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities.
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  8. #18 Re: Hybrid Bike 
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    It's a chinese challenge: "how much stuff/people can one fit on a motor(bike)?"
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  9. #19 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Life Is Good! ChinaV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    I don't want to be a smart ass, .... Buy yourself a real road bike ...
    OK, done.
    I like it, it's fast, American made, will easily last a decade, and black .

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  10. #20 Re: Hybrid Bike 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Handmade in USA

    It is surprising how fast you can go with tires that pump up to 120psi and are very narrow!
    Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time -- whether past or future -− as your new frame of reference. Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities.
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