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  1. #1 latest kinlon r/t in Australia 2011 model roflmao 
    grumpy old sod jape's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    central victoria, australia
    Don't leap out of your chair with excitement, it is the same old same old, however, they say they have added a tachy and changed the plastics ... yup they admitted the old plastics used to disintegrate (now everyone is out of warranty) so now it is much better, they say... imported by a mob in Melbourne and sold via 'pitpro' - I have sent them an email asking about spares and accessories but do not hold your breath - the importers have no idea about any available rack and say the engine and exhaust are now BLACK and it has wavy disc too. The main thing is it is now as CHEAP as it bloody should be for such an old banger at $1990 plus onroads. pic below
    Last edited by jape; 12-23-2010 at 09:38 PM.
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  2. #2 Re: latest kinlon r/t in Australia 2011 model roflmao 
    grumpy old sod jape's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    central victoria, australia
    Do not expect ANY support if you buy one of these machines in Australia. I have many times tried email and phone calls to the main importers, the other people that say they are the only importers, the main dealers, the other people that say they are the main dealers, and also the new and latest 'main importers'. I do not know if they are all liars, misguided or in fact branches of the same bunch, but they are all discourteous once they have your money. They always say they will ring back or send stuff but NEVER do. ANY of them in my experience. And they do NOT know the machine and cannot discuss it in any way in terms of mods or maintenance or performance. You are definitely in the 'on your own, hard luck' category. I have tried over the two years I have had my r/t Kinlon to get answers/manuals, spares or in fact help and backup of any kind. We cannot blame the manufacturers for this although if they had any sense and any real wish to enter a market they would ensure good service. Things will go wrong. Plastics will break, batteries will fail, bolts will be left off, rust will appear quickly, all the nightmares the 'jap bike' enthusiasts love to go on about. But for a couple of grand you get a sturdy if old and outdated engine and the rest works well enough. I take mine bush all the time and it performs OK, gets me there. It is worth the $1990 if you are willing to take a chance you will ahve to do things yourself but I pray for the day a decent importer/dealer gets these machines and backs them. Pitpro haven't answered my email yet but early days, we can hope. However I note that links on their Kinlon page do not work and they do NOT offer any spares or parts on the website. lets hope they answer my email. We do not have any decent chinabikes with backup easily available in Australia yet being rural, young and a quick up-taker of new ideas, although small it is an ideal market if anyone were to get their shit together. Kinlon obviously haven't and their dealers are not yet improving matters.
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  3. #3 Re: latest kinlon r/t in Australia 2011 model roflmao 
    Senior C-Moto Guru culcune's Avatar
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    Yuma, Arizona (the 3:10 left me here)
    It seems that this bunch of people known as Pitpro are a copy of some sort of Pitster Pro. Not sure if Pitster Pro are still available in Australia, but if you can't get hold of these guys, stay away!
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  4. #4 Re: latest kinlon r/t in Australia 2011 model roflmao 
    C-Moto Noob ear_spear's Avatar
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    Bayside Melbourne, Vic
    I'm hearing ya.. got similar issues sourcing ANY spare parts for my 2009 RT, but I have found that FX Powersport in Melbourne can import most of parts you need here in Oz. Unless of course they're cannabalising unsold bikes in stock. Could be wrong tho, haven't had to buy too many parts for mine.. yet. Still, it's a bit of a worry owning a bike that's got uncertain manufacturer's support.. it's great while they're running but if you can be put off the road because of a cheap-as-chips part that's just not available, it kinda makes you a bit nervous.
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  5. #5 Re: latest kinlon r/t in Australia 2011 model roflmao 
    C-Moto Noob
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Hello, my first post on this site. I've got a soft spot for the red Kinlon RT 2011, hoping it might make for a good first bike. Jape, you have almost turned me off, but I have noted a few things that have changed since your post. First, but rather redundantly, Pitpro now have functioning links, yet I don't see any parts specific to the Kinlon from what I can tell. However -- and this is promising -- a new site has presented itself as 'THE' Kinlon site for Australia. (They mention Mojo Motorcycles at the page bottom.)

    But to quote from their ABOUT link:

    "Being distributed here in Australia for the past 4 years, buy with added peace of mind that spare parts are readily available. As the importer for this model, we will continue with our supply of after sales spare parts for years to come."

    They also advertize several more changes and new features (to the RT 2011 model) in addition to those you listed.

    Okay, I'm going to email them now for confirmation. And to ask where in Australia they are. (Odd not to state that.) Surely it can't be scam. The only way I'll know is if I order parts and they never arrive.

    I'll leave you to your own sluething, Jape. If the mentioned site is legit I'll be more inclined to try the new Kinlon model. I only just found the Specs, but noticed the seat height is 82.5 cm. This is likely too high for me, and from what I've read in the forums here, I suspect a height reduction of only a couple of centimetres is possible. And that would likely lower the engine too, would it not? Is it illegal or just completely too awkward to lean the bike onto one foot when stationary? And finally, what might it cost to lower the bike?

    Thanks for reading. And fingers crossed.
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