I believe that with due consideration your sweety should understand that your efforts toward a harmonious society are only to be commended. You will also be able to return to their arms more quickly and efficiently, freshly roused with motorcycling adrenaline and certainly more safely and salubriously than in your motorised wheelchair or the pig conveyance. Just remember the dental glue. I understand also that due to over-zealous production to fill the Valentine's day markets in Australia, (with floods and cyclones affecting local growers in Aus.), that there is a surfeit of (slightly wilted) long-stemmed red roses in China. This should help. If not, well there are many more sweethearts available in Beijing than there are fully-franked HD's. A sobering but necessary afterthought. One has to consider the comfort and available power of all the things one may put one's leg over, so to speak, a 'bike' is not just a 'bike'.... I do agree that 8 is an auspicious total to aspire to, and easier than 16 to maintain and service.

Mind you, 'ultra' is one hell of a description to live up to.