I have decided to amuse myself by inviting you to submit an occasional photo to be judged. Probably every month or two we can do a poll depending on how it goes and whether any one else is interested. All pics must be taken by you or family and be current, quality is not very important.

You pics should be either amusing, brilliant, amazing or otherwise worthy of posting. This includes the missus (or you) passed out drunk on the floor (Felix disallowed from that topic by reason of 'too easy'), the baby daughter's first smile, a beautiful sunset or any young, mainly naked females you come across. I know already that I am a sexist pig but if any of the ladies or gay blokes that may read this want to post a semi-nude male well, go for it. I am not the judge, you all will be.

No motorbikes allowed unless involved in nastiness.

The prize this first time will be this motorcyclists cock warmer. It is 100mm or four inches so none of you will be disappointed in the size (cold weather lads). It will stretch if required. IT HAS NOT BEEN USED, I PROMISE. Ladies can use it for mobile phones, lipstick etc. of course.
