a lot of the exposure I had about china came from movies done in China with a lot of the old Peking opera players in them. the Shaw Brother's Studio was a place i always wanted to see. I was Golden Harvest and the Shaw brothers that started my love of some of the Chinese Stories and I had also found a love for the Martial Disciplines. I had the pleasure of meeting one of my childhood heroes while in HK Meng Lo, the Toad of the Venom Crew.
Sifu Kwok introduced me to some of the music and culture at the ripe age of 4 yrs old and I never looked back. I have been grateful of his teachings ever since
I was fortunate to have been in hong Kong and China last year and my company should be sending me back at some point this year for another month.

this is neither a book or a specific movie but to this Western Boy a great joy to know what little I do about China and some of her Heros of the past