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  1. #11 Re: Importing a Motorcycle into China 
    Senior C-Moto Guru bigdamo's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    There is another member on here who is in the process of importing a Yamaha I think he might be riding it around Australia at the moment.Sorry I forgot his username.doc something I think.
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  2. #12 Re: Importing a Motorcycle into China 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    ok, sorry for the silence, I'm actually away on extended vacation/holiday riding through both NZ and OZ. Yep Yamaha XT1200Z and having a blast. Not spending time in places with easy net access. I will just summarise some of the formalities on importing a bike into mainland China from first hand experience thus far. First the bike must be NEW, not used, second hand, or pre-owned, and while it might be possible to import a one off NEW custom, I doubt it would be very realistic for many reasons, far too complex to go into here on a forum while I'm away on holiday. To get started one needs a copy of the purchase contract, bill of sale as well as some form of document that has all the manufacturers specs listed (a complete list of the model etc), country of manufacture is also needed. These documents and others required e.g. work contract, resident/employment visa (with at least 6 months validity), police registration, housing contract/lease, Chinese bank account details as well as the employers business license, company chopped letter of support and many other documents - have to be taken to several different government agencies for preapproval before one can even start the process of importing said bike into the mainland. Guanxi helps ofcourse and is almost mandatory to get the wheels lubricated to turn in ones favour, but keep in mind that there are many different agencies involved, and depending on ones locations might invlove agencies outside of the city one is domiciled. For example it's my understanding that motorcycles can only be landed at 2-3 mainland ports. Even thougn I live in China right on one of the second biggest mainland deep water ports, my bike has to be landed in Shanghai which invloves duplicating two government agencies, and they need to talk to each other so as to facilitate safe and legal landing and subsequent clearance/release of said motorcycle.

    Costs can be substantial, working out to anything of between 40-60% of the new purchase price in the country of purchase as determined by the Chinese side, and not necessarily based on the price as shown in the purchase agreement. For exmaple, if one pays $10000 for motorcycle ABC model XYZ but that price is heavily discounted, yet the normal price is determined by the Chinese authorities as normally being $20000, then duties and taxes are based on that higher figure. There's no transparency, so no way to know beforehand what one will be in for financially. So it can be a bit of a gamble. Having the right shipping agent is also very helpful, though most that are legit know just how complex Chinas systems are to navigate and will usually rely on a middle man agent to deal with things on the ground in China or HK. One shipping agent made his enquiries on my behalf and has a connection to get my bike landed in HK and then bought in via the backdoor into the mainland. Simialr to what occurs and has occured for an age in China with smuggled in bikes. That was not an option for me. Mine needed to be landed legit, so that's the route I've taken... the more complicated and costly route.

    That's a basic snapshot of the situation... I've typed more than I'd expected, so that's enough from me. The short answer is it is possible and doable, but highly unlikely on some custom one of bike.
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  3. #13 Re: Importing a Motorcycle into China 
    Senior C-Moto Guru
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Taizhou, Zhejiang
    Ill revive the thread a bit.
    Today came across this. Apparently
    a new policy. Highlighted bits are interesting. What do you think?

    Office Supplies & Vehicles of Permanent Offices

    Companies that have obtained a permanent business license may apply to import and export office supplies and motor vehicles, as well as other kinds of valuable items. First, we will take a closer look at the regulations regarding importing and exporting office supplies and vehicles.

    If a permanent office applies to import or export office supplies or vehicles, or if a permanent office or permanent registered member of staff applies to import a motor vehicle duty-free, they should follow the applicable customs regulations.


    Ownership of a motor vehicle imported duty-free as described above may only be transferred to another permanent office or permanent registered member of staff or sold to an authorized operating unit upon application
    on the following conditions:

    a) More than four years have elapsed since the vehicle was released by the Customs Office

    b) The member of staff who originally imported the vehicle has completed his or her contract period.

    At the end of the six-year period of customs supervision, the vehicle may also be transferred, sold or used for other purposes.

    Motor Vehicles for Personal Use

    In addition to permanent offices, each member of staff who has a long-term residence permit can also apply to
    import one motor vehicle for personal use. Such applications should be made in writing and submitted by the member of staff or their appointed customs declaration agency to their assigned customs office.

    The vehicle will be released after the application is reviewed and approved by the customs office and upon presentation of approved papers and/or other related bills.
    The vehicle will be subject to duties according to the relevant regulations.

    To apply to import this type of vehicle, the following documents should be submitted to the assigned customs office for examination:

    1. Identity papers

    2. Long-term residence permits

    3. A completed Application Form of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Importation and Exportation of Articles for Personal Use

    4. Bill of lading (waybill), packing list and other related bills

    5. Other supporting documents as required by Customs

    6. Photocopies of the applicant's identity papers and long-term residence permits.

    With the exception of foreign experts, all permanent resident members of staff must also submit their resident office's Filing Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Resident Offices, or their foreign-invested enterprise's Registration Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Consignor and Consignee Customs Declaration of Cargo Imports and Exports.

    Permanent registered members of staff who are importing motor vehicles should apply for the Notice of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Issuance/Cancellation of Licenses for Imported/Exported Vehicles under Supervision from the competent customs office. They must also complete the procedure for obtaining licenses for the aforementioned motor vehicles within ten working days of the release of these vehicles by Customs.

    For motor vehicles that have been imported by a permanent registered member of staff with duties, the permanent registered member of staff may not transfer the titles to their vehicles until at least one year after they have completed the vehicle registration formalities with the competent traffic administration agency of the Public Security Bureau.

    To transfer such titles, the permanent registered member of staff should file a written application with the competent customs office and provide the following documents for examination:

    1. Identity papers

    2. Long-term residence permits

    3. The Motor Vehicle Driving Permit for the imported motor vehicle

    4. Their resident office's Filing Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Resident Offices or their foreign-invested enterprise's Registration Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Consignor and Consignee Customs Declaration of Cargo Imports and Exports

    5. Other supporting documents as required by Customs

    After being approved by the competent customs office and obtaining the Notice of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Issuance/Cancellation of Licenses for Imported/Exported Vehicles under Supervision, the permanent registered member of staff may complete the procedures for the transfer of the titles to their vehicles with the competent traffic administration agency of the Public Security Bureau.
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  4. #14 Re: Importing a Motorcycle into China 
    C-Moto Noob
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    In shipping goods from China to other countries, costs and procedures are quite complicated, but if you have entrusted with an experienced import service then it is easy because currently there are importers who facilitate the search for reliable suppliers in the Chinese marketplace.
    SLS - Don't forget to take care of the Table Top Chain on your machine!
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