Hi everyone,

I had a little accident coming back from Dalian, and now my Jialing 600A is in Hebei, aproximately 80 km from Beijing in no state to ride. I would like to ask you for some advice.

1) I have contacted some guys in order to get the bike shipped from there to Beijing but my foreign accent got me an overcharged 1500 yuan for the service. If anyone has already contacted with any reliable and cheap logistics company, for example in order to do a trip I would be really grateful if you could provide me with their contact details.

2) I was also wondering if anyone knows a place where I can fix the bike. It shouldnt be too bad as the moto didnt crash into anything, it only skided to the roadside with the result of one of the mirrors getting broken and also the windshield (maybe there is more, but I will have to wait till it gets to Beijing to take a closer look)

Thanks guys, I will keep you posted on any new development.