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  1. #1 China provincial and city license plate identifiers 
    Senior C-Moto Guru euphonius's Avatar
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    mostly Shanghai, sometimes northern California
    For anyone who's curious about Chinese license plates and the geographical designations, here's a list downloaded from Baidu Questions. It's entirely in Chinese, but should be easy enough to decipher for your own province or city. I have to admit I still have trouble remembering some of the provincial designators -- especially Henan 豫, Jiangxi 赣, Hubei 鄂, Shanxi 晋 and Hainan 琼.

    Here's the Baidu link.


    京a、京c、京e、京f、北京市(城区),京g 北京市(远郊区), 京b 出租车

    津a、津b、津c、天津市 ,津e 出租车

    沪a、沪b、沪d 上海市区,沪c 远郊区

    渝a 重庆市区(江南),渝b 重庆市区(江北),渝c 永川区,渝f 万州区,渝g 涪陵区
    ,渝h 黔江区

    冀a 石家庄,冀b 唐山,冀c 秦皇岛,冀d 邯郸,冀e 邢台,冀f 保定,冀g 张家口,冀
    h 承德,冀j 沧州,冀r 廊坊,冀t 衡水

    豫a 郑州,豫b 开封,豫c 洛阳,豫d 平顶山,豫e 安阳,豫f 鹤壁,豫g 新乡,豫h 焦
    作,豫j 濮阳,豫k 许昌,豫l 漯河,豫m 三门峡,豫n 商丘,豫p 周口,豫q 驻马店,
    豫r 南阳,豫s 信阳,豫u 济源

    云a 昆明,云b 东川,云c 昭通,云d 曲靖, 云e 楚雄彝族,云f 玉溪,云g 红河哈尼族
    ,云h 文山壮族苗,云j 思茅,云l 大理白族,云k 西双版纳,云m 保山,云n 德宏傣族
    ,云p 丽江,云q 怒江傈族,云r 迪庆藏族,云s 临沧
    辽a 沈阳,辽b 大连,辽c 鞍山,辽d 抚顺,辽e 本溪,辽f 丹东,辽g 锦州,辽h 营口
    ,辽j 阜新,辽k 辽阳,辽l 盘锦,辽m 铁岭,辽n 朝阳,辽p 葫芦岛,辽v 省直机关

    黑a 哈尔滨 ,黑b 齐齐哈尔,黑c 牡丹江,黑d 佳木斯,黑e 大庆,黑f 伊春,黑g 鸡西
    ,黑h 鹤岗,黑j 双鸭山,黑k 七台河,黑l 松花江行署,黑m 绥化,黑n 黑河,黑p 大

    湘a 长沙,湘b 株洲,湘c 湘潭,湘d 衡阳,湘e 邵阳,湘f 岳阳,湘g 大庸,湘h 益阳
    ,湘j 常德,湘k 娄底,湘l 郴州,湘m 零陵,湘n怀化,湘p 湘西州

    皖a 合肥,皖b 芜湖,皖c 蚌埠,皖d 淮南,皖e 马鞍山,皖f 淮北,皖g 铜陵,皖h 安
    庆,皖j 黄山,皖k 阜阳,皖l 宿州,皖m 滁州,皖n 六安,皖p 宣城,皖q 巢湖,皖r

    鲁a 济南,鲁b 青岛,鲁c 淄博,鲁d 枣庄,鲁e 东营,鲁f 烟台,鲁g 潍坊,鲁h 济宁
    ,鲁j 泰安,鲁k 威海,鲁l 日照,鲁m 莱芜,鲁n ?荩砅 聊城,鲁q 临沂,鲁r 荷泽
    ,鲁u 青岛开发区

    新a 乌鲁木齐,新b 昌吉回族,新c 石河子,新d 奎屯,新e 博尔塔拉,新f 伊犁哈萨,
    新g 塔城,新h 阿勒泰,新j 克拉玛依,新k 吐鲁番, 新l 哈密,新m 巴音郭愣 ,新n
    阿克苏,新p 克孜勒苏柯,新q 喀什,新r 和田


    苏a 南京,苏b 无锡,苏c 徐州,苏d 常州,苏e 苏州,苏f 南通,苏g 连云港,苏h 淮
    阴,苏j 盐城,苏k 扬州,苏l 镇江,苏m 泰州,苏n 宿迁

    浙a 杭州,浙b 宁波,浙c ?荩鉊 绍兴,浙e 湖州,浙f 嘉兴,浙g 金华,浙h 衢州,
    浙j 台州,浙k 丽水,浙l 舟山

    赣a 南昌,赣b 赣州,赣c 宜春,赣d 吉安,赣e 上饶,赣f 抚州,赣g 九江,赣h 景德
    镇,赣j 萍乡,赣k 新余,赣l 鹰潭

    鄂a 武汉,鄂b 黄石,鄂c 十堰,鄂d 沙市,鄂e 宜昌,鄂f 襄樊,鄂g 鄂州,鄂h 荆门
    ,鄂j 黄岗,鄂k 孝感,鄂l 咸宁,鄂m 荆州,鄂n 郧阳,鄂p 宜昌,鄂q 鄂西州

    桂a 南宁,桂b 柳州,桂c 桂林,桂d 梧州,桂e 北海,桂f 南宁,桂g 柳州,桂h 桂林
    ,桂j 梧州,桂k 玉林,桂m 河池,桂l 百色,桂n 钦州,桂p 防城

    甘a 兰州,甘b 嘉峪关,甘c 金昌,甘d 白银,甘e 天水,甘f 酒泉,甘g 张掖,甘h 武
    威,甘j 定西,甘k 陇南,甘l 平凉,甘m 庆阳 ,甘n 临夏回族,甘p 甘南藏族

    晋a 太原,晋b 大同,晋c 阳泉,晋d 长治,晋e 晋城,晋f 朔州,晋h 忻州,晋j 吕梁
    ,晋k 晋中,晋l 临汾,晋m 运城

    蒙a 呼和浩特,蒙b 包头,蒙c 乌海,蒙d 赤峰,蒙e 呼伦贝尔盟,蒙f 兴安盟,蒙g 锡
    林郭勒盟,蒙h 乌兰察布盟,蒙j 伊克昭盟,蒙k 巴彦淖尔盟,蒙l 阿拉善盟


    陕a 西安,陕b 铜川,陕c 宝鸡,陕d 威阳,陕e 渭南,陕f 汉中,陕g 安康,陕h 商洛
    ,陕j 延安,陕k 榆林,陕u 省直机关

    吉a 长春,吉b 吉林,吉c 四平,吉d 辽源,吉e 通化,吉f 白山,吉g 白城,吉h 延边

    闽a 福州,闽b 莆田,闽c 泉州,闽d 厦门,闽e 漳州,闽f 龙岩,闽g 三明,闽h 南平
    ,闽j 宁德,闽k 省直机关

    贵a 贵阳,贵b 六盘水,贵c 遵义,贵d 铜仁,贵e 黔西南州,贵f 毕节,贵g 安顺,贵
    h 黔东南州,贵j 黔南州

    广东省(粤)粤a 广州,粤b 深圳,粤c 珠海,粤d 汕头,粤e 佛山,粤f 韶关,粤g 湛
    江,粤h 肇庆,粤j 江门,粤k 茂名,粤l 惠州,粤m 梅州,粤n 汕尾,粤p 河源,粤q
    阳江,粤r 清远,粤s 东莞,粤t 中山,粤u 潮州,粤v 揭阳,粤w 云浮,粤x 顺德,粤
    y 南海,粤z港澳进入内地车辆

    青a 西宁,青b 海东,青c 海北,青d 黄南,青e 海南州,青f 果洛州,青g 玉树州,青
    h 海西州,

    藏a 拉萨,藏b 昌都,藏c 山南,藏d 日喀则,藏e 那曲,藏f 阿里,藏g 林芝

    川a 成都,川b 绵阳,川c 自贡,川d 攀枝花,川e 泸州,川f 德阳,川h 广元,川j 遂
    宁,川k 内江,川l 乐山,川q 宜宾,川r 南充,川s 达县,川t 雅安,川u 阿坝藏族,
    川v 甘孜藏族,川w 凉山彝族  

    宁a 银川,宁b 石嘴山,宁c 银南,宁d 固原

    琼a 海口,琼b 三亚,琼c 琼北
    2010 JH600 "Merkin Muffley" (in Shanghai)
    2000 KLR650 "Feezer Ablanalp" (in California)
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  2. #2 Re: China provincial and city license plate identifiers 

  3. #3 Re: China provincial and city license plate identifiers 
    Motorcycle Addict chinabiker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    near Vienna, Austria
    Stay away from 京A G6 plated cars The secret behind some China license plates.

    The most powerful --- “京AG6”
    There are exactly 200 license plates that start with “京A G6”. This number group belongs to the Vice Chairmen of the National People’s Congress, the vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and so on. Normally you can only find these kind of plates on Audi A6, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, which are widely used by the Chinese government as official cars.

    The secundi --- “京A8”
    It is second only to “京AG6”. The most powerful ones among them are “京A80***,” “京A 81***”, and “京A 82***”, which belong to General Office of the CPC Central Committee, Bureau of Institutional Affairs of the State Council, Central Guard Bureau and Beijing Municipal Party Committee. Some ministers and the family members of national leaders also use this number series, and it makes this series of numbers more “powerful”. Recently, since the shortage of numbers, “京A83***” was also taken in to this “powerful number group”.It is also worth mentioning that, because Chinese people love the number 8 (it sounds like “Fa”, meaning earning big money), the person who can get “京A88” is either powerful or has “strong connections” with powerful people. So for traffic policemen, it means the same as “京A80, 81, 82, and 83”.There is another series of numbers, “京O A7***”, which belongs to some ministers; and “京O A8***”, which belongs to The Ministry of Public Security. They are both “powerful” as well.

    The third level
    License plates starting with “京ET, 京EX, 京H95, 京FP”, and some starting with “京CZ”, belong to deputy ministry level officials or provincial rank officials. And some of “京A5” belong to the Communist Party Committee of Beijing.Generally, the traffic policemen and experienced drivers know these rules. They will always try to make life easier for these “powerful vehicles” and make them happy by politely keeping their distance.
    Last edited by chinabiker; 06-06-2012 at 04:42 AM.
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  4. #4 Re: China provincial and city license plate identifiers 
    Senior C-Moto Guru bigdamo's Avatar
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by chinabiker View Post
    Stay away from 京A G6 plated cars

    The secret behind some China license plates.
    Easy to spot the big wigs here.

    Long line of marked police vehicles(or army depends who in the black euro car) with sirens blaring and lights a flashing at least a kilometer in front of said big wig in black euro car speeding at warp speed down toll/highway.See or hear them coming you better get out of the way.

    In town roads will be closed with numerous police mulling around waiting to take pictures of me or anyone else they think looks suss.
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  5. #5 Re: China provincial and city license plate identifiers 
    C-Moto Guru MotoKai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I like this wikilink:
    The current plates are of the 1992 standard, which consist of the one-character provincial abbreviation, a letter of the alphabet, and five number or letters of the alphabet (Ex. 沪A*12345; 京C*A1234; 苏A*1P234; 浙B*AB987; 粤Z*7C59港). Previously, all licence plates had used the five-number designation. As the number of motor vehicles grew, however, the number had to exceed what was the maximum previously allowable—90,000 or 100,000 vehicles. Therefore there had become a need to insert Latin letters into the licence plate to increase the number of possible combinations. This was first done in the bigger cities with only one prefix. Nanjing, for example, began the change with only the first number, which increased the number of possible combinations to 340,000 (with the exceptions of O & I, which cannot be printed without confusion with the numbers 0 & 1). Further changes allowed the first two places, or the second place alone on the plate to be letters, allowing 792,000 more combinations mathematically. More recently, cities have taken to having the third letter alone being a Latin letter, the rest numbers. The numbers are produced at random, and are computer-generated at the issuing office. Numbers with a sequence of 6's, 8's, or 9's are usually considered to be lucky, therefore special sequences like "88888" or "86888" can be purchased. (A previous licence plate system, with a green background and the full name of the province in Chinese characters, actually had a sequential numbering order, and the numbering system was eventually beset with corruption.)
    Yellow plates are issued for larger vehicles, such as trucks, buses, and motorcycles. These licence plates usually have the Designate Area and Letter on top of the numbers, as opposed to being beside it. (In addition, they may have the licence number sprayed in large letters on the outside of the truck, or in more prominent places.) Blue plates, the most common sort, are issued for small or compact vehicles (except for motorcycles). Since October 2007, black plates are no longer issued for vehicles belonging to foreigners, but they are still used for people driving into Mainland China from Hong Kong and Macau.

    Police Service, Armed Police Force, and Military

    Licence plates for China's Police Service, Armed Police Force, and Military are in a white background, with red and black text.
    Police Service plates have a designated format of X·LLNNN·"警" (X is the geographical abbreviation, N is a digit, and L is either a digit or a letter; "警" means police and is coloured red). These plates are issued to traffic police, some patrol vehicles, court, and procuratorate vehicles.
    Chinese People's Armed Police Force ("武警") uses the pinyin abbreviation WJ and use the format WJNN-NNNNN.
    The first two small letters behind the WJ are area prefixes:

    • WJ01-NNNNN. = Headquarters
    • WJ31-NNNNN. = Beijing
    • WJ14-NNNNN. = ShanDong
    • WJ21-NNNNN. = Hainan
    The Alphabet Numeral behind the area prefix shows the section of the Armed police:
    • WJ01-JNNNN. = Official Guards, Official and Diplomatic Escorts, Riot Police.
    • WJ01-BNNNN. = Border Police
    • WJ01-XNNNN. = Fire Police
    • WJ01-1NNNN. = If there are no Alphabet letters at all it stands for no particular section. Official Use Only.
    Military vehicles previously had plates using a code of heavenly stems in red. After reorganization in 2004, military vehicles now use a more organized prefix. These licence plates use the formatXL·NNNNN (X is a prefix, L is a letter).
    The People's Liberation Army vehicle prefixes:
    • "军" (Jun; "Military")
    Vehicles of the Central Military Commission
    Vehicles of the Headquarters of People's Liberation Army
    Vehicles of the PLA's units at Army-Grade or above. Deputy-Military-Region-Grade, Military-Region-Grade.
    The Ground Force of PLA vehicle of the various military regions have their own prefixes:
    The Navy of PLA vehicle prefixes:
    • "海" (Hai)
    The Air Force of PLA vehicle prefixes:
    • "空" (Kong)
    Vehicles with government or military plates are not subject to the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国道路交通安全法); they may run red lights, drive in the wrong direction or weave in and out of traffic[citation needed].[1] Communist party officials and People's Liberation Army members are also exempt from paying road tolls and adhering to parking regulations.[2][3]According to Xinhua News Agency, "police officers are also reluctant to pull over drivers of military vehicles even if the drivers are breaking the law",[3][4] which is the reason behind an emerging trend in which individuals purchase counterfeit military registration plates to avoid being pulled over by police. Xinhua News Agency reported in 2008 that since July 2006, the government has confiscated over 4,000 fake military vehicles and 6,300 fake plates and has apprehended over 5,000 people belonging to criminal gangs; under Chinese law, those caught driving under fake registration plates are fined up to 2,000 RMB, and counterfeiters can be jailed for up to three years.[3][5]


    Motorcycle licence plates are nearly the same as that for ordinary vehicles, but are less in length and look more like an elongated square than a banner-like rectangle. There are two lines of text (province code and letter on the top, numbers on the bottom).
    For qinqi or low-powered motorbikes, yellow licence plates are issued throughout.

    Embassies and Consulates

    Embassy and consulate vehicles have their own licence plate with a red character and six white numbers. Embassy plates have a black background (following the foreigner plate standard, as previously mentioned). Embassies use 使 (shǐ) (for 使馆, which means 'embassy') and are used only in Beijing. Consulates use 领 (lǐng) (for 领事馆, which means 'consulate') and are used for representations outside Beijing. Numbers on embassy plates are formatted so that the first three digits represent the foreign entity/organization the vehicle is registered to while the last three digits are sequential, where 001 is (generally) the Ambassador's car, for example: 使 224 001 - is the car used by the Ambassador of the United States. Numbers 002 to 005 are usually reserved for official use and therefore have the comfort of the highest levels of diplomatic immunity.
    In order to protect the privacy of foreign diplomats in the P.R. China, the Chinese government does not release information on embassies' vehicles, so it is possible that some data in the list of plate prefixes of embassies in the P.R. China below may not be correct.
    嘉陵 JH600-A (Upgraded)
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  6. #6 Re: China provincial and city license plate identifiers 
    C-Moto Guru MotoKai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Initial character of licence plates used in Beijing is: 京 (Pinyin: Jīng)
    The difference between the urban area and suburbs was revoked by competent authority since April 25 of 2009.
    • 京O·A - Ministry of Public Security
    • 京O·B - Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau
    • 京V - Central Guard Bureau of Beijing Garrison Military License
    This license plate is different from the other civilian license with blue background. It's word and figures on white background. As a matter of fact, it is military license at all, and has an unique characteristic.
    There is only one garrison in Mainland China - Beijing Garrison (Beijing WeiShuQu; "北京卫戍区"), other guarding area called "XX Guarding Area" (XX JingBeiQu; "XX警备区"). Chinese simplified character "卫" (one of "北京卫戍区"/Beijing Garrison) has the same pronunciation with the "V". So, the "京" (Jing) and the "V", their pronunciation is Jing Wei, Chinese is "京卫", it is a Chinese abbreviation of "北京卫戍区" (Beijing Garrison).
    1) General license for the red word "京" and black 'V' along with figures.
    2) Crucial vehicle for the red word "京" and 'V' with black figures.
    Some people think that "京V" does not belong to one unit, it belongs to various machinery. In fact, Beijing Garrison takes charge in safekeeping services and aims at important leadership in various machinery of states, including military, party, and government. Traffic safety is part of security. So the vehicle of leadership belonging to garrison systems.

    Initial character of licence plates used in Chongqing is: 渝 (Yú)

    Initial character of licence plates used in Shanghai is: 沪 (Hù)
    • 沪A, 沪B, 沪D, 沪E, 沪F, 沪G, 沪H — Urban area. 沪A0xxxx is reserved for Shanghai Government use. 沪A00001, 沪A00002, 沪A00003 are stretch Mercedes S600 vehicles used to transport VIPs. 沪B0xxxx is a 'guanxi plate' given to friends of Shanghai Government officials. Both 沪A0xxxx and 沪B0xxxx will generally not be stopped or ticketed for most violations in Shanghai.
    • 沪C — Suburbs
    • 沪O — Police vehicles

    Initial character of licence plates used in Tianjin is: 津 (Jīn)
    • 津A, 津B, 津C, 津F, 津G, 津H, 津I, 津J, 津K, 津L, 津M, 津N — General Issues
    • 津E — Taxis


    Initial character of licence plates used in Anhui is: 皖 (Wǎn)

    Initial character of licence plates used in Fujian is: 闽 (Mǐn)

    Initial character of licence plates used in Gansu is: 甘 (Gān)
    嘉陵 JH600-A (Upgraded)
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