One more step down. Passed the theory test. The last step (hopefully, but don't wanna count the chickens before they hatch) is to go back on Friday and pick up the license.

The internet system (which is connected to the computer testing) was flaking out there today, so it was pretty much a riot. Outside the testing room were hoards of people waiting to be let in. I waited about 2 hours, then I took the advice of a Chinese friend "见缝插针,They don't know what to do about foreigners, just walk in" I felt kind of bad about the people outside, but figured our karma was about even, after all the hassle I've been through. I walked in and after another 30 or so minutes of them restarting the computers over and over because of the net issues, I was able to start. The test was easy this time, now that I had actually prepared for the English exam (BIG thanks to Euphonius for sending the question bank) but 75% of the way through the computers froze. It wouldn't advance to the next question. All of the test takers started yelling at the overseer. I kept clicking and nothing happened. After 10 minutes of nothing, except a lot of angry test takers, it unfroze, but my clicking had somehow made it advance a few questions. Due to the weird computer issues, today nobody was able to change an answer they had input, so the four "d" s in a row I had input(2 of which were wrong) were not able to be changed, but luckily it all worked out in the end. I feel bad for the guys working in that office today, they were getting yelled at all day and didn't even have time for lunch because of all the computer issues.

Taxi there-25
Taxi back-23

Total: 604 RMB, 20-ish days.