Compiled this err small list of possible road hazards in China, if you can think of any more please feel free to contribute your own suggestions!

1. red light running
2. no lights or full beam at dusk
3. man-hole covers missing or stolen
4. cyclists (weaving/2 up/shoulder glance during maneuver)
5. the divine right (vehicles turning right wrongly believe they have right of way)
6. car doors random opening
7. drunk driving
8. cell-phone use - shouting into - distraction
9. gravel/rocks/dust/coal/diesel/shit/urine/mashed crops etc on road surface
11. piles of sand/gravel/dirt/logs on road surface
12. drying crops, it's not a road it's the local farmer crop drying area
13. speeding cars
14. jay-running
15. reversing onto busy roads (esp trucks)
16. taxis, will kill for fare
17. low quality tires
18. slippery ornamental fake marble pedestrian surfaces
19. not looking
20. wet roads = brown water
21. overloaded trucks
22. not using mirrors
23. not using signals
24. street vendors selling crap 2 meters onto actual road
25. stopping for no reason
26. going very slowly for no reason
27. the blame game (phone a friend)
28. double lane-ing
29. pollution/atmospheric dust/visibility
30. poor signing, where's my gps?
31. the cop cash-cow
32. intersection flag people, white line fascism
33. chinese logic on fault
34. car window spitting
35. hit-and-run
36. to help or not?
37. animals
38. is it illegal to be a foreigner?
39. getting your own back safely (avoid personal reaction)
40. mad max vehicles
41. 3 and 4 wheeled blue trucks of death
42. mini people carriers (loaf of bread shaped van new driver, hasn't been trained adequately)
43. "everyone drives like that so it's OK"
44. corner straddling/left lane-ing
45. cycle lane, when to use it when not to (lights and left turns = danger)
46. inappropriate overtaking/overtaking on blind bends
47. parking on blind bends/parking on intersections/double parking
51. honking (pointless? or necessary?)
52. burning crops
53. bigger = better
54. black car superiority complex
55. oil slicks
56. hot looking dongbei hooker distraction
57. POS 20 year old car based on stolen blue-print for mid 80's Toyota belching blue smoke
58. POS driver believes is a car, others are not sure, is it a motorcycle with too many wheels or what?
59. belief that reverse parking is bad 'cos it doesn't look so pretty
60. service station dirty kettle for motorcyclists dangerous insistence/annoyance
61. disco bike dance music distraction
62. electric bikes..the silent killers
63. old vehicles with broken axles crabbing, which way is it actually going?
64. black cars going 200kmh on a road that peasant farmers cross on bicycles without looking
65. snow falls on road turns into ice, never cleared even in city
66. car window refuse throwing
67. chunks of rock/gravel/sand/boulders falling of overloaded tipper trucks
68. not understanding major road / minor road right of way system
69. never needing to say sorry
70. next 50kms on highway a hole/mud-bath being repaired or being re-laid, no diversion suggested
71. roadworks at night unlit
72. going through industrialized areas without breathing apparatus
73. lunar landscape roads
74. i can drive! i can reverse around some sticks more like!