Thought I might take the opportunity to share a little of the GPS tracking and Geotagging I've done over the past few years in Western China. The great thing about combining both is the ability to co-locate useful and related info thereby shortening other peoples research process.

If anyone is interested in a basic introduction on this topic, please visit:

Here you'll find a good basic run through of Google Earth, KML(Z) files and see some outrageous and, in a relative sense, never before seen landscapes of Western China. It's a wild and dangerous place that makes Death Valley look like a short walk through a desert (no offense to Death Valley but this place is BAD)

Or, if you just want to see the complete collection of geo-tagged pictures, you can head to my Panoramio site. Panoramio is a free service provided for people who want their geotagged images to appear on Google Earth. Photos go through a screening process and accepted images appear on the default Panoramio layer in GE.

Click here for Panoramio site

Once there you can browse anyone's images. If you're looking to do some ride-planning, this is a great place to start.

If anyone else has any geo-tagged image collections, I'm sure we'd all love to see them no matter how big or small!