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Thread: Loncin 300cc

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  1. #1 Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    Loncin is offering a 300cc water cooled engine, it appears to be their version of the once KLX 300R Kawasaki engine. These can be found in the markets as a CCM and Puzey, as both are utilizing the engines.

    The engine code is LC178MN.

    CCM XTR-4 300

    CCM has a new model, its called the GP450 CCM is sourcing that engine from BMW, the BMW 450X. The link above will take you to the new offering.

    Puzey XTR-4 300

    Last edited by MJH; 01-03-2014 at 10:04 PM.
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  2. #2 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    These models are being reverse engineered in South Africa, they are pretty much identical copies of the Kawasaki models.

    According to the Puzey website that states the following:

    The XTR-4 is an innovative product designed and produced right here in South Africa. All the RND and development is carried out in Africa over some of the toughest terrain in the world ensuring the product will meet the market requirements in any country.

    Last edited by MJH; 07-23-2012 at 06:12 PM. Reason: Oh yeah they are not identical…the molded plastic and decals are different.
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  3. #3 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    Kawasaki to Partner with Loncin Motor on Motorcycle Business in China....June 1,2012

    "The recent economic growth in China, the largest motorcycle market in the world, has resulted in a diversification of personal tastes and interests among its consumers. It is expected that this trend will lead to a growing number of Chinese customers who purchase motorcycles for recreational purposes—the segment mainly targeted by Kawasaki. In this market environment, Kawasaki will leverage Loncin's domestic sales network and cost competitiveness to reach a wide customer base in China with its high-quality, high-value-added motorcycles."
    Last edited by MJH; 07-23-2012 at 09:05 PM. Reason: Kawaski does not make farmer bikes.
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  4. #4 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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  5. #5 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru zhu's Avatar
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    that article is typically verbose
    but hardly chinglish

    we know this because there is not one mention of glorious cabbage
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  6. #6 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru euphonius's Avatar
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    mostly Shanghai, sometimes northern California
    What's more, it's a pretty damned important development if Kawasaki, with Loncin, is really taking the lead on developing a consumer/recreational market strategy for China. They'd be the first among the Japanese majors to do this. Harley-Davidson and Ducati are kind of here already, but not doing native or JV development. Honda and Suzuki and Yamaha are all present at the cabbage bike end, and Suzuki has taken a page from H-D and Ducati by coming in with their premium (and suicidal) Hayabusa. We hear Triumph is nibbling at China's edges with the possibility of Thailand-assembled models, which presumably would enter China with friendlier ASEAN import tariffs.

    But if Kawasaki thinks it's worthwhile to come in and jointly manufacture or license its midtier bikes in China, it's a major shift. I think they'll find a ready and growing market -- if the prices are friendly. The Ninja is an established brand, and there are plenty of them blasting around in China, albeit mostly without legal plates. Not sure how the big Vulcan cruisers would do, but a Loncin JV version would easily undersell Harley. The Versys would aim for the same mid-displacement sweet spot that CFMoto/Chunfeng and Qianjiang/Benelli (and hapless Jialing) are targeting with their new "international" models. And would it be too much to hope that Kawasaki could squeeze another decade or two out of the timeless KLR650? I'd be thrilled!

    Needless to say, they'll have to win back market share from Yamasaki....

    Actually, this Kawasaki-Loncin deal deserves its own thread.

    2010 JH600 "Merkin Muffley" (in Shanghai)
    2000 KLR650 "Feezer Ablanalp" (in California)
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  7. #7 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru Zorge's Avatar
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    For starters, it will be sufficient if these engines are better than previous generation of Loncin's liquid cooled thumpers.
    Ask me nothing - I DO NOT speak english. Really...
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  8. #8 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    Its an evolution and for the most part it happens pretty much organically, when others are bringing higher technology to the market and demand is their then it all keeps happening. Kawasaki’s positioning in the market and all the obvious and not so obvious relationships are all strategic, they are and will leverage those accordingly.

    I would expect to see the same production that takes place in Thailand happen in China. That would be the 250-650 twins and also the 250-650 singles. I would anticipate that to come about in 2015 with some appearing earlier, like the 250-300cc singles.
    Last edited by MJH; 07-31-2012 at 05:14 AM.
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  9. #9 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    Loncin already is manufacturing a 290cc DOHC water cooled engine that is a Kawasaki design.

    Kawasaki manufactures 249 singles,249cc, 399cc and 649cc twin engines in Thailand, it is not impossible for Loncin to assimilate the same process and system used in Kawasaki Thailand.

    The 650cc twin is already in production in China at CFMOTO, a version of the 249cc single is the 290cc already in production at Loncin.

    The most likely initial models would be or have the 290cc and 650cc and would be totally domestic made. I can venture to guess that their may be another connection with Hisun who has been working on the 249cc twin.

    So there could be three separate engine suppliers in china already, with three engines that are Kawasaki designs. Those three developers could be working with Kawasaki already? They could be developing them in a manner that is stealth?

    Lets see how it goes ho….who care what government know.
    Three Major Conjectures to Loncin-Kawasaki Cooperation
    Last edited by MJH; 08-26-2012 at 03:49 AM.
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  10. #10 Re: Loncin 300cc 
    Senior C-Moto Guru MJH's Avatar
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    From Chinamotor:

    "However, the reporter was told that the price of Kawasaki 250 in China won’t be so high as estimated because its imported vehicles are produced in Thailand. These products can be imported to China with low tariffs or even zero tariff through the terms of engagement of ASEAN. “The price will be about RMB25,000. If the price is too high, the products won’t be marketable.” "

    Here is link to ASEAN

    If you download the Excel file for China you get tariff information….there are 7924 items listed tariffs on some imports are zero, most are not, for example the tariff on motorcycles is 45%.

    An imported Ninja250 to China from Thailand would retail for about $5,800.00

    If Kawasaki could import its motorcycles with no tariff and other manufactures could as well from Thai manufacturing then they would be already.

    It is possible that 2012 ASEAN Summit will bring about more or better rates? But not likely on Motorcycle importation to China, it is a protected industry they are attempting to develop domestically.
    Last edited by MJH; 08-21-2012 at 05:04 AM.
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