Day 54: THE FINAL DAY - When our team sets their minds on something, we usually end up getting the job done. We are, in every sense of the word, people who "DO". And that's the exact attitude we carried with us over the last 54 days as we battled through some of the most populated and remote parts of India. The task we set ourselves, to circumnavigate India by motorcycle, was not an easy one and I won't lie; there were days when we didn't know if we would be able to finish our journey.

But alas after battling the elements, traffic and taking in some of India's most stunning destinations, we are safely back at our starting point: The Westin Gurgaon, our partners who have assisted us with comfort and shelter in our times of need. And after our time on the road our bodies are weary and exhausted, but our spirits are full with new and exciting stories to share with our wider audience via our book and television series which will be released in mid 2013.

While Colin, Ryan, Chad and Daniel made it around India over 54 days; they were not alone in their journey. On an expedition like this we had many partners, and many individuals reached out to us during our expedition in our times of need. And to all of them, we say thank you for helping us plan and execute this incredible adventure safely. Without our team behind us, we're just a bunch of hairy guys on motorcycles!!