This image is a vision on Oberdan Bezzi, it is not patent protected but may have a copyright, not it specifically but likely the owner has a copyright on his body of work. He only request that in any reuse that his name is included, but cannot be for resale, but he also states he designs these for manufactures that can take the design if they wish, the ones he offers publicly. The brand and icon most certainly is trademark protected. But can be used for informational references and not resale.

That is Oberdans vision of the Yamaha V-Twin 250cc engine, it is an engine that is commonly copied in china and so is the V-Star 250 Yamaha sells, the engine is not likely still under a 14 year patent time limit for a mechanical device, but the actual designs as an ornamental patents do not have a limit, they do it is for 14 years but they can be restated consecutively. Mechanical patents cannot be reinstated they expire in 14 years time. I believe but I could be wrong.

The Chinese laws are not pertinent in the USA, if nothing prevent the copying there it does not mean they can legitimately sell copies that violate intellectual rights here, they cannot.

It is all very complex....