Yes, I know what "Tricker" is. I was reffering to this quite unique and recoglizable detail.


As I can see, those "Ryukas" are not based on "Cub's" (or, what "Zong" makes nowdays - "Innova/Wave" based clones) frames. Why?

Their frames have a single beam that connects the engine mounts and head tube. On the lower part, goes close to the crankcase, and then turns up and goes to the head tube. Because of that, there is no room for the carburetor, so he must be directed... like this:

This is classic "Super Cub" frame, but same thing is with newer "Honda" designs with "horizontals" and their Chinese clones.

Plus, they all have single, lower triple clamp - unlike this "Ryuka". Not to mention single shock at the rear, fule tank on his usual place (on "Cubs", he is under the seat)...

Bottom line: IMO, for "Ryuka", they have used some other frame.

BTW, isn't "Ryuka" name that "Zong" gave to his square tube frame enduro/SM, the one that "Kasinski" sells in Brazil?

Speaking of Brazil - this "Chilly Willy" of yours looks like modern interpretation of old brazilian "Yeke", "Yake" or something similar named bike.