"Zhujiang" ZJ110-2R


Preety odd looking two-wheeler, if you ask me. It seems to me that this is a "mix tape" made of several different two-wheelers - cubs and scooters, he's even got something from enduro bikes.

I would say that the frame, along with horizontal cylinder engine, as well as 17"-14" wheels got from clone of a cub bike, with a very clean, modern design. I admit, I've developed a taste for these underbones, but I'm not a connoisseur, and I can not say who from Big Japanese Four makes this particular cub, but here is his one of his Chinese clones - http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/601...orycle_for.jpg

This disproportionately large seat is (evidently) borrowed from some maxi scooter, and all these "private parts" are covered with strange sculpted plastic panels, which are made of elastic ABS plastic, widely used on enduro bikes.

In general, many of the details on this "Zhujiang" look as if they were forcibly incorporated onto this Cub.