Hello all,

Fay has recently passed her computer test for driving license.

We have the new Excel document for the test, however, as expected, it is in Chinese.

Looks like this, from a random selection.

873 图片题 选择题 提拉这个开关控制机动车哪个部位? picture_439 左右转向灯 倒车灯 示廓灯 报警闪光灯
874 图片题 选择题 旋转开关这一档控制机动车哪个部位? picture_440 近光灯 前后雾灯 远光灯 左右转向灯

(Where the above says "picture_439" there is actually a picture there.)

How about if there was a combined effort, and say make an English translation.
I could email or QQ part of the document, say 10% or whatever, to any one who has an interest, and is willing to do some translation.

If enough people put the effort in, then it could be translated in a very short time.
Then I just join all the "translated returns" back up again and it's then available to the forum for free.

When the Excel spread sheet is done, I could think about scanning the 73 pages of the book, and may be some folk would chip in and have a go at translating that also next.
I think if you wait for an "official" English translated book, you might be a long time waiting.

Now the hitch, this was the car test, so the motorbike test is going to have a few extra questions included.
