Thread: Snow track !!!!
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#1 Snow track !!!!
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12-20-2008, 06:48 PM
Howdee Hi Yall !
Took the Viva 250 out today on our track at my house here in Washington State . It was 22* cold out , 8" to 12" of Powder Snow .
That was the most dangerous hour of my life besides arguing with my Fiance' of course
I can tell you from first hand experience now , that without snow studds on your Knobbies , these bikes aint worth a crap in the deep snow . They do go ok in it , but it is deadly slippery at best. I will say it made me pay attention though
I got into second gear once , but re-thunk it and quickly backed her down into first . Made for some fun snow doughnuts though !!!! I think next year I may just make a set of studds if I can afford another set of rims . Would be too much fun !!!!
Enjoy, Snortin Norton out
12-22-2008, 12:38 AM
Dreaming of a white christmas. Beautiful.---------------------------------------------------
Kinlon 2008 200GY-SM
Honda 2003 CB250
Life is too short for traffic
#3 KingMarty45
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12-22-2008, 01:37 AM
Hi KingMarty45 ,
White Christmas is right ! We just got another 8 inches on top of what is in the pics and its snowing again too on top of that tonight . Wheres my snow studds , I am dying here !!!!!
Later , Snortin
12-22-2008, 03:07 AM
Christmas is a decidedly DIFFERENT colour here in Sydney... Still, it is far more conducive to lazy afternoons of boozing in the sun... i.e. a nice hot Xmas picnic
Last edited by kingmarty45; 12-22-2008 at 10:32 PM.
Kinlon 2008 200GY-SM
Honda 2003 CB250
Life is too short for traffic
12-22-2008, 04:21 AM
Dude, you got a snowmobile?
C "Waiting for the Coffee" C---------------------------------------------------
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#6 Snowmobile and Coffee Beans
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12-22-2008, 08:57 AM
I wish I had a snowmobile Carl
We don't useually get this much snow here .
Earlier tonight we lost power for three hours , I guess a tree collapsed under the weight of the snow on our grid somewhere ? A whole 66 people went without power for three hours , boo hoo hoo . I am out in the sticks , so am surprised they got it back on with all the snow out there in the dark . I was kinda whining though , I was about to watch Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer on my new CD X-Mas collection that my gal gave me early for X-Mas . I refuse to grow up , just going to grow old Carl
Still snowing . If I wasn't so big I would ride the gals Typhoon ATV in this crap .
Glad you finaly ordered Carl , let me know what you think when you try it out ..
KingMarty45 ,
more power too ya on that basteing in the hot sun with alcohol thing
If I drank , I think I would still rather be here with a big fat Brandy laced Egg Nog or a nice Hot Battered Rum , or even a very stiff Jim Beam soaked Coffee watching the snow melt or fall . But hey , X-Mas in the sun aint so bad , especially if your drunk !!!!
Cheers, please have one for me , or make that four for me
12-22-2008, 03:56 PM
Damn snow has me stuck at home or I'd be coming out to ride!!!!!!!!
12-22-2008, 05:04 PM
Just curious, how are ATV's in the snow?
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#9 ATV snow
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12-22-2008, 06:08 PM
When I went down to the store in my car the other day with 8 inches on the ground I saw several people out with thier ATVS playing around. I am sure it has all to do with what kind of knobbies your running . If my gals truck wasn't stuck in the driveway I would take hers out to play , but having over 16" of snow now that truck aint moving anywhere .
Its still snowing too
Good storm , definately a WHite X-Mas here .
Later , you guys are the best ! Snortin out .
Where's Culcune Carl ? I am sure you have touched bases with him by now .
Snortin out
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