:oops:Hi all,

I'll ask my first question here as its possible I'm in the wrong place! I purchased my almost mint FYM FY250 yesterday, its a 2006 model and has done 1800 miles from new!! It's been sitting in some old guys garage for 7 years under a cover and really is lovely..
I've done a little reaseach and on the images and parts I've seen my FYM looks identical to the jinlun, is this the case?
I rode it 120 miles to get it home yesterday and it ran faultlessly, but my reaseach last night on the net indicated they're total crap and to avoid at all costs which did worry me a little?
I'm used to things breaking, I had a 1969 vw camper for years that I've just sold so that doesn't scare me lol.
Any pointers on what to look for/keep an eye on?
Anyway pictures paint 1000 words so here it is.