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  1. #1 Looking for a bike I can ride from Shanghai to Ho Chi Minh where I'll sell it. 
    C-Moto Noob
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    Mar 2013
    San Francisco
    I'm a novice. I've ridden a lot but never owned. I'm arriving in Shanghai next week and will be there for 4-5 days. If you don't have a bike to sell please let me know any advice on getting one and tips in general for the route, buying bike process, etc. Thank you.
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  2. #2 Re: Looking for a bike I can ride from Shanghai to Ho Chi Minh where I'll sell it. 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by bumpalru View Post
    I'm a novice. I've ridden a lot but never owned. I'm arriving in Shanghai next week and will be there for 4-5 days. If you don't have a bike to sell please let me know any advice on getting one and tips in general for the route, buying bike process, etc. Thank you.
    Aint going to happen legally at least. Sounds like you are leaving it to the last minute 'cause if you'd done due diligence you'd know that it will be near on impossible to get a bike legally plated in YOUR name with a 100% legally obtained drivers license with motorcycle endorsement in YOUR name as a tourist and in the time frame you have outlined. Not too mention the copies of documents and legal translations needed. You'll also be arriving when there is a long weekend holiday for the tomb sweeping festival so things will grind slowly to a halt, so getting things done expeditiously aint likely to happen either. Sure you can arrive, buy a bike (what type and capacity - good luck with that) plenty of dealers around that sell legit legal and otherwise. Dealers who will tell and promise anything you want to hear, but fail to fill in the blanks and deliver on what they asserted, and as for crossing the border, well you will have hurdles there too, but on a Chinese manufactured bike then likely less so.

    If you are on anything not 100% legal without 100% legal plates, 100% bona-fide PRC issued drivers license with motorcycle endorsement, and the compulsory 3rd party insurance and either get stopped at a compulsory inspection point, fail a alcohol/drug analyser/analysis test, or become involved in an accident - then your bike can be confiscated, you fined and possibly imprisoned (compulsory 15 days immedicate imprisonment dependent on nature of infringement/crime) and in the case of accident be deemed 100% liable even in cases where aside from plate/driver license/insurance, you are otherwise within the traffic law. I assume you have an overseas drivers license with motorcycle endorsement, if you haven't then the only option would be to go illegal which is pretty much frowned upon - mainly becuase the days of getting away with all kinds of impolite bad mannerisms and what not because one is a foreigner, are almost a distant memory. Meanwhile the rest of us live here and have to contend with the consequences and ramifications of some others transgressions. One does the crime - we all ending up paying for it.

    You might need to alter your expectations either because;
    a) the time frame by which you hope to get things nailed down and sorted are too restrictive,
    b) travel itinerary to get from point A... point Z are unrealistic,
    c) ability to be legal (due to influences of either a), or, b) or both)
    d) ability to cross the border depending on multiple factors (legality or otherwise)
    e) ability to get legal as a tourist with no quanxi
    f) lack of planning...
    g) international driving PERMITS are not recognised in mainland China and therefore a PRC D/L needs to be acquired (time factor)
    h) any combination of the factors or elements noted above

    You might like to also use the search function as the type of question you have asked has been discussed before.

    Good luck, - you might need a tonne of it.
    Last edited by bikerdoc; 04-01-2013 at 09:17 AM.
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  3. #3 Re: Looking for a bike I can ride from Shanghai to Ho Chi Minh where I'll sell it. 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    For starters, this poster has the right idea... might give you some clues too...
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  4. #4 Re: Looking for a bike I can ride from Shanghai to Ho Chi Minh where I'll sell it. 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Take my advice, go to Vietnam, and rent a bike. Then go to Thailand and rent if you like maybe even buy. Much safer, more consistent laws, less restrictive laws, more foreigner friendly countries with
    less traffic, pollution and more aware drivers and riders.

    Chinese drivers sincerely believe that you can pull out of intersections, reverse into highways and open car doors without looking. This means that you need to learn their 'driving style' for at least a few weeks on bicycle or electric bike before attempting any kind of motorcycle tour, otherwise it would be a suicide mission.
    Last edited by ZMC888; 04-04-2013 at 03:56 AM.
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  5. #5 Re: Looking for a bike I can ride from Shanghai to Ho Chi Minh where I'll sell it. 
    light of lights lightend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    Take my advice, go to Vietnam, and rent a bike. Then go to Thailand and rent if you like maybe even buy. Much safer, more consistent laws, less restrictive laws, more foreigner friendly countries with
    less traffic, pollution and more aware drivers and riders.

    Chinese drivers sincerely believe that you can pull out of intersections, reverse into highways and open car doors without looking. This means that you need to learn their 'driving style' for at least a few weeks on bicycle or electric bike before attempting any kind of motorcycle tour, otherwise it would be a suicide mission.
    Totally agree.
    Sorry my friend, but its never going to happen.
    just because something is possibly possible, does not follow that is it essentially essential.
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  6. #6 Re: Looking for a bike I can ride from Shanghai to Ho Chi Minh where I'll sell it. 
    C-Moto Regular
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bumpalru View Post
    I'm a novice. I've ridden a lot but never owned. I'm arriving in Shanghai next week and will be there for 4-5 days. If you don't have a bike to sell please let me know any advice on getting one and tips in general for the route, buying bike process, etc. Thank you.
    How was the trip?
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