
There's proof, we are not alone! Can't see it clearly on the pic, but he gave me thumbs up and I returned the salute.
I see more and more bikes riding this summer than last one. Some rich kids in my area push some big supersport bikes around after dusk. But except Danny, I don't know/seen anyone with a plated bike.

I talked to a farmer in Tanggu with a 津-plated Jialing who said getting plates outside the city is still possible.

I also had my first encounter with a police man. Technically, ehm, I was almost on the legal outer ring, but I clearly came out of the bike-banned-city, stopping at a red light, where he was directing traffic/playing with his phone. First he went around the bike in some distance, I thought he's checking my plates. Then he came over and asked "how much is this? How fast can it go? Oh, you are a foreigner?" and so on. Green light came, we bid each other farewell, and that was it.