Dudes this is for real! Some guy (Tim Verroi) has created a motorcycle based autogyro that can cruise on ground at 55mph and fly at 100. Looks like he's got it worked out quite well. Should make adventure riding a little easier!

"For more than 50 years, the media have been promising us the personal flight revolution; by 2000 we'd all be getting around in flying cars, cruising down the skyway then touching down, driving home and unloading the shopping. Sadly, most of us are still stuck down here in traffic, but one maverick aviator has successfully taken personal flight into his own hands with a road-registered, high-safety flying motorcycle."...

Here's link to the rest of the article:

Even more fun is the video...

Can anyone tell me why major automobile manufacturers couldn't have started doing the same thing and refining it 50 years ago?