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  1. #11 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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  2. #12 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Zibo, Shandong - Sometimes SW England
    I hope this worked. I'd be inclined to run the bike at about 6000 rpm hit the cut-off and then do a plug read to make sure that you're not running too lean. (I know the plugs aren't easy to get to).
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  3. #13 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    I hope this worked. I'd be inclined to run the bike at about 6000 rpm hit the cut-off and then do a plug read to make sure that you're not running too lean. (I know the plugs aren't easy to get to).

    Be nice to fit a Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge

    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  4. #14 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    C-Moto Senior
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    Hanoi, Vietnam
    found this one in youtube.
    Guy removed that big catalytic converter and made new connecting pipe and reused that short muffler..

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  5. #15 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    C-Moto Senior
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    Hanoi, Vietnam
    I went and also removed my original exhaust, as i took away that short muffler I noticed that it was completely empty.. part of those perforated pipe pieces what where just rattling inside.. So either somebody has deliberately gutted that or moisture has corroded that pipe and after that all stuff from inside has not blown away..

    But anyway, I did not have much options here in Hanoi nor i wanted to spend fortune on some brand name.. or even to buy "brand" name with top dollars just to find out it was not real..

    I found Two brother M-2 copy what looked like i wanted.
    package said ARASHI but i think original "brand" is CNC, but anyway Chinese copy nevertheless.

    "Carbon fibre"
    Installation is same as in 650TR except in 650NK there is less plastic to remove.

    As this was not for this bike shop crafted me a connection pipe.

    I had to go two times in garage, first pipe was too much under swing arm and exhaust gasses heated it up real nice so i went back and said to them to angle it little more outward, maybe it went now just a tiny bit too much, but i let it be.


    It came with DB killer and i must say it is needed!! man that pipe is LOUD!! so using killer is must..
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  6. #16 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
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    PB060408[1].jpg PB060409[1].jpg Hey Guys had this 'Delcavic UK' Pipe fitted by Pipeworks Tecniques on the Gold Coast for $450 and I have to say Noel did a great job, looks good sounds great. This has leaned out the fuel mixture and created a bit of popping on decell (I kind of like it though) And as the EFI cant be remapped it can be corrected using a Piggyback FMS, Powercomander is the most popular but I recommend the 'Juice Box' as it has +/- buttons for leaning or richening mixture. If you choose to do this Premapping on the FMS should be for a 2007 ER6N or 650 ninja as the internals are the same (not the 2012-2013 these are mapped slightly different). Hope this helps
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  7. #17 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    I'm into the idea of a new muffler for my NK, mostly for weight saving, aesthetic and durability. I haven't pulled the trigger, because of the expense and the worry about correct fueling.
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  8. #18 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    C-Moto Senior
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    I'm into the idea of a new muffler for my NK, mostly for weight saving, aesthetic and durability. I haven't pulled the trigger, because of the expense and the worry about correct fueling.

    I would not be so much worried about correct fuelling, if you would change full system then yes i would say get your self power commander or some sort extra juice package.

    but as normal slip on?? no usually no need.. then again run it with baffle or db killer so you will have some back pressure, without those you are basically running with straight pipes, and i can sure you that noises would be loud!!
    but then again some believe that loud pipes saves lives ;)
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  9. #19 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Zibo, Shandong - Sometimes SW England
    Yes Waldo, but I've done this very mod on many bikes before. Your bike sounds faster and more powerful, but never actually is, it is louder, but that louder that sounds exciting around town gives you a migraine on a long ride. Your bike looses back pressure as much as because you've dumped the cat as the muffler then what happens is the air goes past your sensor at three times the speed and the ECU then dumps fuel into the engine.

    You'll likely:
    1. Lose torque
    2. Gain a couple of hp if you're lucky only around the peak (8,500rpm)
    3. Massively reduce fuel efficiency
    4. Lose 3-5kg off the bike
    5. Fail annual inspections due to emissions
    6. Become illegal on the street as you are running without a cat

    So there are a few ways I'm willing to go:
    1. Put a dyno-tested after market muffler on the bike and leave the original cat.
    2. Put a dyno-tested after market muffler and high-flow cat on the bike.

    Options like just throwing a random pretty muffler on with no idea of the effect on the bike are not my cup of tea, thanks. I can't experiment because there are no dynos in my town.
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  10. #20 Re: CFMoto 650TR muffler upgrade 
    C-Moto Senior
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    Hanoi, Vietnam
    Quote Originally Posted by ZMC888 View Post
    Yes Waldo, but I've done this very mod on many bikes before. Your bike sounds faster and more powerful, but never actually is, it is louder, but that louder that sounds exciting around town gives you a migraine on a long ride. Your bike looses back pressure as much as because you've dumped the cat as the muffler then what happens is the air goes past your sensor at three times the speed and the ECU then dumps fuel into the engine.

    You'll likely:
    1. Lose torque
    2. Gain a couple of hp if you're lucky only around the peak (8,500rpm)
    3. Massively reduce fuel efficiency
    4. Lose 3-5kg off the bike
    5. Fail annual inspections due to emissions
    6. Become illegal on the street as you are running without a cat

    So there are a few ways I'm willing to go:
    1. Put a dyno-tested after market muffler on the bike and leave the original cat.
    2. Put a dyno-tested after market muffler and high-flow cat on the bike.

    Options like just throwing a random pretty muffler on with no idea of the effect on the bike are not my cup of tea, thanks. I can't experiment because there are no dynos in my town.

    Well, what goes to cat at least my 650nk did not have cat, unless its in header pipe. so there went that reason.
    and sure! you will loose some back pressure.
    as what comes to my fuel efficiency it is still the same, not better nor worse..
    and for long runs.. I wear helmet what reduces lot of sounds, and also like to listen music while riding
    so no headaches here :) sure again if i would remove baffle then there might be some headache involved.

    Annual inspections.. in Vietnam they don't do any inspections.

    And what comes to speed and power? if you want faster bike buy new one.. 1000cc maybe ;)
    I did my modification only for one reason, and thats to improve its look by revealing swing arm.
    not to get more power or speed, where would i use more speed or power??
    Last edited by Wald0; 11-11-2013 at 06:19 AM.
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