Pfieew, man..

I suppose one would've to be real snappy to let the handle bars go in the time it takes between 40+ degrees lean down to 90 degrees..

Also I dunno about ur arm story to ur wife man, I wouldn't have called mine and kept it all a not so shocking surprise till it's all under white (+ a bit of red) bandages..

Still, interesting story, thanks for sharing.

This local hospital denies u for that, what happens when u need a bigger part stitched back, wtf?

I had my own experience with a hand surgeon in China, St Luke hospital in Changning..

I opened a bottle of beer with another one, they were just out of the freezer, one broke in bevel and took off a chunk of meat from the thumb base till middle of the wrist, I looked for it on the ground but couldn't find, my bros found it the next day in the bottle, lol..

The guy did a great job, 1st stitch in the tendon which was hit but still holding, then over 30 stitches in 3 successive lines to close the gap, today both hands have the same shape, wonder how..

I talked with another hand surgeon who was following my case in Huashan (insurance paid), she told me they have over 2 dozen of them hand specialists in Huashan, as everyday local workers show up with exotic types of hand injury, so they have indeed huge experience here..