Hi all

I'm brand new to this forum and new to motorbikes, but not afraid to try and learn as i go, and not afraid to use a spanner!! seeking help on a Lexmoto XTR 125cc i recently bought.

When i bought i noticed that when i turned the handle bars from left to right, the revs would decrease or increase accordingly. No big deal i thought, throttle cable must need slackened, so i did, only to discover the bike wont idle now. So the previous owner must of being using tension on throttle cable to set the idle. Not so good :-(

So next step i took after hunting web pages, was to adjust the engine idle at the carburetor, gave a small clockwise tweak to what i think is the idle speed control screw (highlighted in pics i added). Engine idle came up, great!! Next problem is that the engine sounds a bit sluggish, and when i pull the throttle back quickly the engine will cut out. After more web searching i believe this is because the engine is running rich?? So the next step is to lean out the engine??

This is where my problem is, if the screw i think it is, is actually the idle fuel mix (highlighted with red arrow in pics) then it is totally unaccessible, any one have any tips how to adjust this with out removing the carb??

Or if i am even looking at the correct screw??

The picture i have highlighted another screw with a blue arrow, this should be more easily accessed, is this infact the idle fuel mix screw? not the one i highlighted with the red arrow?

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Bob :)
