
I'm into naked bikes, but don't feel reasonable, experienced and rich enough for something over 40hp.

So I'm getting a Z250 this December.

Problem is, I don't like her head & fairing, makes me feel like she isn't a real naked bike, and could use some "trimming" as a 32hp bike sure will benefit from losing a few pounds.

Also I hope to make it straight out of the shop somewhat less valuable to thieves, as I'm getting it just before CNY...

So before to start boring y'all with I think I'm gonna do this and I hope I can do that, here's an illustration of the whole thing done:


I'd like it all to be 100% reversible to stock.

Mostly it's all about unscrewing stuff off, then screwing an old school head-light on, crash bars to dress a bit the skinny body, fitting a pair clip-ons and a skinny muffler.

I think the clip-ons are gonna be the biggest challenge, probably gonna have to forget that, since the coolant liquid tank is under the right hand, and there's probably something important too under the left one, couldn't get a peak at what yet.

I also know zip about how to update the ECU after fitting an after market slip on, as my computing skills stop when I close Photoshop... So I'll probably leave that to the Japanese guys on Tianshan rd, or will get one of those u don't need to cut the pipe nor update the ECU...

No, you're right, I don't really know what I'm talking about, still I hope it makes sense and looks doable especially to the old school members of this forum who actually can build a bike with a drill and a hammer from pile of crude metal...

Please let me know what u guys think.
