What goes better than Tequilla with Hondas ????
Its a new drink I created with a dash of NO SIDE COVERS for an Ascott , a splattering of Culcune-a-Fish extract , and a shot or ten of Almond extract Tequilla .
It's called the "Dumb Muther Fucker That Sends an Alcoholic in Recovery a Bottle of Tequilla , Blaster " .....

Simon , you get the very cool friend for sending a beautiful Buracho award today , but what the hell were you thinking with the Tequilla ???

A.) you either didn't think I was actualy clean and sober ?
B.) You want me to die ?
C.) your a dumb fuck idiot with no brains or side covers ???

I am voting for all three choices in the questionaire

I generally don't let anyone even have alcohol on my property , let alone in the house . So my rideing the track guests are screwed Culcune if they think they are getting this bottle of fine Tequilla
I am hanging onto it till I find the PERFECT person or persons that just happen to say how much they like Tequilla , and its going to them . It could take years though since I don't hang around any drinkers or go to bars ever ??? It will get aged good I guess ?

Later Bro , and that freekin Hooker you sent won't bathe, I am sending the nasty bitch back to live at your house , ok ???

Dater Lays , the Insaine Snortin Norton out