I'm looking to get a new bike when I move to Jiangxi after Chunjie and was hoping to get some input form you all.
i'll mostly be using the bike around the city, but because the city is pretty small i'll be getting out into the countryside pretty often.
i'm also planning to use this bike for a longer (6 month) trip in winter 2014/2015 to potentially go around all of China and into central Asia.
What i'm looking for is a bike that's reliable, can handle bad roads, and will get fairly good milage for longer trips.
I'm don't know much at all about the mechanical aspects of motorcycles, but am learning now, so a bike that's easier to take care of would be good too

so far I'm looking at the:
YBR/G 125
JH150 GY-3
and the JH600 (although to be honest it's out of my price range now)

One other thing is for the Yamaha, are there certain reputable dealers that may not deal officially for Yamaha, but deal almost strictly with it that would be suggested? I looked in Jiangxi and there seem to be no official Yamaha dealers.

Thanks all in advance for the help,
