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  1. #1 Provincal Road Reports a.k.a. Road-Wiki 
    C-Moto Regular cryptographicide's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Yantai, Shandong
    There appears to be a need for detailed road information in China. Google Maps can be inaccurate. Baidu maps translates like a made-in-China dollar store package. I want to start an initiative to gather recommendations on roads and routes through-out the country. This is not something that one person can do since not one person possesses a complete and thorough knowledge of the ever-changing network of Chinese roads. I propose that each person gather and share intelligence on their area. We all get to know our area so well. As we ride and explore, the radial area that includes only roads we have driven in the past increases in diameter. Our knowledge of our immediate vicinity increases every time we go out and explore it. It would be fantastic if we all could share the information in an accessible way. That way, someone who has never driven your part of the country can already possess a locals perspective on the area. I am not suggesting a detailed database of road reports as there is no need to include millions of roads in this report. The Road-Wiki would be more concise than that. It would include short information about the fastest way to get from one place to another. The prettiest way to make the trip. Fun roads and amazing spots should be included. Also, any issues with construction, road quality, lack of gas stations, or insane coal truck drivers coming down mountain hills could be mentioned. If the road is long, taxing, boring, and useless...don't mention it. Only point riders to quality routes. Include maps, highway names, descriptions of and directions for important intersections. In summary, the Road-Wiki posts should sound like advice you would give a stranger who pulls up to you in your town and asks you, "Hey, whats the best way to get to such-and-such.".

    A response I am anticipating: "We already have this...Its called a ride-report."

    To which, I respond: "The Road-Wiki posts will contain three things that ride reports do not have. Posts should be concise. There will be no stories and no events, just information. Posts should be comprehensive. Ride reports include much more than just the important details. Many ride report writers include excellent details like mileages, maps, highway names, and intersection descriptions in their reports because they feel the information is worth more than a colourful and well-written story. Other writers may not feel that way. They simply forget the details or choose not to include them because a good story lets the imagination work. Besides, listing highway names is distracting. Lastly Road-Wiki posts will be indexed. This is important. When gathering information on places, you do not want to read through twenty 10,000 word ride reports trying to find out if a road from here to there is good or not. You want to find the best road in three minutes or less. The purpose of a Road-Wiki is to provide an answer that fast.

    Ok. So. Start posting. ZMC888 has already posted information on Shandong province. His Road-Wiki can be found in the ride reports sections.

    T.L.D.R; There is a new thing. It's called a Road-Wiki. Write a quick and detailed description of the best ways to get around in your local area. These should be posted in the Ride Reports sections as Road-Wikis.
    1995 Suzuki Intruder (2005-Present){Canada}
    2003 Daelim Daystar (2011-2012){S. Korea}
    2014 Jialing 200 GY5A (2015-Present) {China}
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  2. #2 Re: Provincal Road Reports a.k.a. Road-Wiki 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    Zibo, Shandong - Sometimes SW England
    Basically if you have ridden in a nice region that you really liked you could just have a bit of condensed information, even if you lived or visited a few years ago. If the information is not that accurate or extensive, just kick off the thread about that particular province and then we can stick it. Other riders can then add extra information, Google maps, photos, videos and what ever else later. We could also add other things from ride reports, as a way to archive existing information.

    Here is the link for Shandong Province, go ahead, write your own with the 'Provinces: xxxxxxx' and get the ball rolling on that province.
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  3. #3 Re: Provincal Road Reports a.k.a. Road-Wiki 
    Life Is Good! ChinaV's Avatar
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    May 2008
    Guangdong, China
    I would like to add that GPS tracks or detailed map links are essential and that using the sticky is not a good idea. Sticky one thread as a table of contents/index (this one) and don't allow any additions to the thread, or start a new Regional Road Data / Road Wiki section under Ride Prep and Making Tracks or road reports.
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  4. #4 Re: Provincal Road Reports a.k.a. Road-Wiki 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by ChinaV View Post
    I would like to add that GPS tracks or detailed map links are essential and that using the sticky is not a good idea. Sticky one thread as a table of contents/index (this one) and don't allow any additions to the thread, or start a new Regional Road Data / Road Wiki section under Ride Prep and Making Tracks or road reports.
    Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist
    - Pablo Picasso
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  5. #5 Re: Provincal Road Reports a.k.a. Road-Wiki 
    C-Moto Noob
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I would like to know which Highways in Guangdong can you use? According to the rules bikes of a certain cc are allowed on the highway, but then, the local districts of the provinces can allow or not.
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