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  1. #21 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    china (Longkou), Hainan
    You need to talk direct to CFmoto and not post here as CF is not a
    member on MCM.

    The old Ducati ECU was shit and now CF use and fit Bosh ECU, with over 70.000 km covered on my old TR-G with not a singel hick up with the ECU.
    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  2. #22 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    china (Longkou), Hainan
    Hi Nick
    Could have some good news.
    I have just sent CFmoto a message about your problem and gave them the link to this page.
    I have just been informed that there will past this complaint onto there sevice department.
    I can't promise you that CF China will sort out or help but you never know.
    That's the best I can do Nick.

    So PM me your contact details so I can pass them on to CF if I am asked.
    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  3. #23 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    C-Moto Noob
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    Sep 2017
    First and foremost please accept my apology for state the complaint's in a wrong forum. Thank you very much Prince for updating and helping me. As I mentioned before I have contacted CF Motor before and they asked me to talk to the distributor. When I called the distributor they asked me to talk to the manufacturer. I have been like a ting-tong ball. Anyhow I will take your advice and try to communicate with them again. Thanks buddy.
    Last edited by Nikmat; 09-06-2017 at 03:01 PM.
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  4. #24 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    C-Moto Noob
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    Sep 2017
    Dear Prince, is it possible for you to give me the specs of the Bosh ECU used so that I can carry out a survey. Really appreciate your help.
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  5. #25 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
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    china (Longkou), Hainan
    You have a right to post what every to want to on MCM, but no one from CF will see or read it.

    Contact CF direct is one thing, contacting the correct people who can read and speak English is a diffante matter. ?
    Let's hope my contact can help you with you problem, I turely understand all you want is something that works, and not some bullshit pices of crape.

    I can take a picture of my 650 MT ECU for you so you have the details, but I don't think the MT unit will work on your bike.
    Yes it is the same engine, but ECU operate other function on the bikes as well, so you need to get advice from CF if the new Bosh unit will work on your bike.
    I always through that the ECU had to be matched to the EFI system so you need to replace both.
    Let's hope CF China will be Intrested in helping you out Nick.
    But I won't push them to hard from my end as I do sometimes need help myself and as the saying goes "I don't want to piss in my own chips "
    Lately CF has been very pro-active with customer services.
    Fingers crossed.
    P.s. I need you direct contact details please. I.E. email address or better still do you have WeChat.

    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  6. #26 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    C-Moto Noob
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    Sep 2017
    Thanks Prince for the friendly advice. I do understand your situation. I have PM you my detail. No worries, here are my details:
    Name: Nikmat Azhar Mahmud
    Mobile Number:+6019-9758799
    Email address:
    Address: Block 5-1-3, Jalan Perwira 1/4, KPTOJ, Kem KEMENTAH (Malaysia MINDEF), 54200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    I will try to contact them again and hopefully they will attend me.
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  7. #27 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    china (Longkou), Hainan
    Hi Nick
    I have been told by my contact at CF that the service department has contacted you all ready.
    Can you confirm that Nick.

    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  8. #28 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    C-Moto Noob
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    Nov 2013
    Mackay, QLD, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolution666 View Post
    Hey fellas. Auzzie 650nk rider here. Has anyone unrestricted their bike?
    The dealership did when I took it in for service. Not a huge difference but you can feel a bit more power in the upper RPM range
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  9. #29 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    C-Moto Noob
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Hi all I just purchased my new 650nk I love it first road bike have ordered tail tidy for it but need to swap out the mirrors they are in way too close can anyone else suggest any other mods and maybe suggest how many km they are getting per tank on their bike
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  10. #30 Re: CFMoto Riders from Australia 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Dak26 View Post
    Hi all I just purchased my new 650nk I love it first road bike have ordered tail tidy for it but need to swap out the mirrors they are in way too close can anyone else suggest any other mods and maybe suggest how many km they are getting per tank on their bike
    Hi welcome to MCM. Great choice, what year of manufacture is your 650NK? Also is it new to you, or a new off the shop floor model? There is a CF650 compilation thread (various models) under the "street" category of the forum which you might find useful and a starting point on your new relationship with your new ride CFMoto assembly are pretty decent so you shouldn't need to do too much, but it's always worth checking screws and bolts haven't loosened off etc. Easier done with the usual markings applied and found on most of the nuts/bolts ex-assembly. Look forward to seeing photos and reading your observations and RR in due course.
    Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist
    - Pablo Picasso
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