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  1. #1 Back in China after 5 years away 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Been away a while, good to see the site is still going strong.
    While I was here last I had me, a Sukuli 800w ebike in Suzhou 2009/10 (not a misprint very similar only the font was similar to a Suzuki), then a couple of scooters in Nanchang 90cc upgrading to a 150cc Leike r5 (my only bike bought new not bad at 3500yuan).
    After spells in Singapore (Sym 400i maxiscooter & Harley street rod), I'm back in China.
    Shanghai for a couple of months then off back to Suzhou.
    From what I reading through posts, it's almost impossible to run a bike legally now in China, shame I always fancied a re-manufactured BMW side-car outfit.
    So it looks like an ebike again, for me.

    Good to be back............
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  2. #2 Re: Back in China after 5 years away 
    Senior C-Moto Guru ZMC888's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    Zibo, Shandong - Sometimes SW England
    Quote Originally Posted by Davie View Post
    Been away a while, good to see the site is still going strong.
    While I was here last I had me, a Sukuli 800w ebike in Suzhou 2009/10 (not a misprint very similar only the font was similar to a Suzuki), then a couple of scooters in Nanchang 90cc upgrading to a 150cc Leike r5 (my only bike bought new not bad at 3500yuan).
    After spells in Singapore (Sym 400i maxiscooter & Harley street rod), I'm back in China.
    Shanghai for a couple of months then off back to Suzhou.
    From what I reading through posts, it's almost impossible to run a bike legally now in China, shame I always fancied a re-manufactured BMW side-car outfit.
    So it looks like an ebike again, for me.

    Good to be back............
    What makes you think it's suddenly impossible to be legal?
    Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time -- whether past or future -− as your new frame of reference. Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities.
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  3. #3 Re: Back in China after 5 years away 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
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    china (Longkou), Hainan
    From what I reading through posts, it's almost impossible to run a bike legally now in China
    Good to have you back Davie

    I am all legal with 4 bikes and 1 car Davie and all in my name? so you have misunderstood some post.
    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  4. #4 Re: Back in China after 5 years away 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Davie View Post
    Been away a while, good to see the site is still going strong.
    While I was here last I had me, a Sukuli 800w ebike in Suzhou 2009/10 (not a misprint very similar only the font was similar to a Suzuki), then a couple of scooters in Nanchang 90cc upgrading to a 150cc Leike r5 (my only bike bought new not bad at 3500yuan).
    After spells in Singapore (Sym 400i maxiscooter & Harley street rod), I'm back in China.
    Shanghai for a couple of months then off back to Suzhou.
    From what I reading through posts, it's almost impossible to run a bike legally now in China, shame I always fancied a re-manufactured BMW side-car outfit.
    So it looks like an ebike again, for me.

    Good to be back............
    Yeah, good to have you back and here participating on MCM. Not sure what makes you think that it's almost impossible to be legal... not really the case at all. Now if you mean that to buy and have a bike legal in SH or Suzhou, well yes it is difficult but not impossible. SH is expensive but doable. Suzhou is more complicated. HD Suzhou can help with plates for any HD bought from their shop - otherwise getting a legal Suzhou plate is near on impossible. Can depend though on your jurisdiction/location and situation etc.

    Loads of legal avenues for motos' in PRC. Kwaka, Suzi, HD, Honda, BMW, Ducati et al.

    As for electric... check my ride out here

    In regards to CJ750 side car outfits... meh... I think there are better outfits to ride and own in PRC... e.g. JH600.
    I've got mates that have had or still have CJ750's... I've ridden a few... they might look all nostalgic and all that yesteryear solid build etc, but that is just a dream IMO.

    You do realise that all CJ750's require substantial wrenching, and that very very few can be plated legally... most are running on BS plates and most owners or especially 'dealers' will spin the bull faeces line on plates and legality to move a sale.

    Buyer BeAware.
    Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist
    - Pablo Picasso
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  5. #5 Re: Back in China after 5 years away 
    C-Moto Regular cryptographicide's Avatar
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    Yantai, Shandong
    Suzhou is gorgeous. do you just know things like "Getting a plate in Suzhou is doable." or "Talk to the guys at Suzhou HD" You don't even live there. I guess I'm just curious. If you wanna keep your sources secret, be my guest. But I'd love to know where your knowledge comes from and if it is in the public domain.
    1995 Suzuki Intruder (2005-Present){Canada}
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  6. #6 Re: Back in China after 5 years away 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
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    china (Longkou), Hainan
    Public Domain

    When you buy a HD (Harley-Davidson) bike most HD shop will sort out a plate no matter what city or how hard it is to get a bike plated in that city.?
    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  7. #7 Re: Back in China after 5 years away 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Thanks for the welcome guys.
    It'll be a few weeks yet before I'm re-located to Suzhou. In shanghai for only for the next 4 or 5 weeks, so I'm not going to bother myself greatly getting a bike here, but I would aim to have a plan of some description for my arrival in Suzhou; either have a useful e-bike on order (such as Biker doc's) or a Harley. Maybe even both, but both would largely depend on how expensive a Harley might be with a legit plate, and and the hassles of getting a licence. Visiting Suzhou, in a couple of weeks, the Harley option will be looked at.
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  8. #8 Re: Back in China after 5 years away 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by cryptographicide View Post
    Suzhou is gorgeous. do you just know things like "Getting a plate in Suzhou is doable." or "Talk to the guys at Suzhou HD" You don't even live there. I guess I'm just curious. If you wanna keep your sources secret, be my guest. But I'd love to know where your knowledge comes from and if it is in the public domain.
    How do I just know things..?

    I might live in Zhejiang, but I don't just ride there. I've ridden all kinds of places... for all kinds of reasons... and done China to Thailand a couple of times now... that's a shiet load of miles. I just ride... sometimes I take photos, and sometimes I post it here and elsewhere on other forums and not always under Bikerdoc (on those forums).

    The sources etcetera are far from secret... actually the information is posted on MCM... here and here

    Last edited by bikerdoc; 02-29-2016 at 10:58 AM.
    Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist
    - Pablo Picasso
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