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Thread: efi kit

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  1. #1 efi kit 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
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    Searched a few terms and couldnt find anything so i thought I'd start a thread. So many riders especially in the US have to tune and jet carbs on small engine motorcycles. Since we cant get china bikes with efi why not get efi for china bikes.

    I am in no way affiliated with ecotron and actually have no experience with their products tgats why im posting this.

    Does anyone have any experience with these systems
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  2. #2 Re: efi kit 
    Senior C-Moto Guru euphonius's Avatar
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    Great post!

    This is fascinating. I just read through their FAQ, and it really opened my eyes. Also provides a lot of context for understanding our current problems with stalling in our JH600s.

    I know there are plenty of people who are very good with carbs, and will ask why not leave well enough alone, but, as EcoTron itself notes, for some folks the fun is in the challenge of trying something innovative and fresh.

    I do hope we get feedback from people who have tried this. EcoTron does point to this thread at

    2010 JH600 "Merkin Muffley" (in Shanghai)
    2000 KLR650 "Feezer Ablanalp" (in California)
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  3. #3 Re: efi kit 
    MCM Chinese fellow td_ref's Avatar
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    There is at least one CN local vendor sells EFI component to mass market (BtoC), called 光印电子。

    their website

    their online store

    I haven't tried their product on my bike, but they said they are the supplier to Qianjiang.
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  4. #4 Re: efi kit 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
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    Euphonius, i have read nearly every post in the scootdawg thread they have come a long way in a short time. I was curious as to how the kits would possibly translate to say the df 250rtb or rtc or any of the china bikes that get ordrred frequently.

    And td ref ill look into tgat site thanks
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  5. #5 Re: efi kit 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
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    Quote Originally Posted by td_ref View Post
    There is at least one CN local vendor sells EFI component to mass market (BtoC), called 光印电子。

    their website

    their online store

    I haven't tried their product on my bike, but they said they are the supplier to Qianjiang.

    Thanks for the links but my computer is out and all i have is my phone which will not translate tge pages and i also do not understand Chinese. So ill have to wait until my cpu is back up to view tgose pages
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  6. #6 Re: efi kit 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
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    91 views and no one else has any insight or opinion
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  7. #7 Re: efi kit 
    Duc's and Cat's 998S's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mo bobber View Post
    91 views and no one else has any insight or opinion

    Well, the reason why I did not even bother to reply is that I don't believe something like this is "plug-and-play".
    As most of the Jialing 600 riders start to understand by now, FI is a very complicated thing, where very small changes in input can result into large complications.

    Further, unless they have something magic, the"self learning" thing is not covering the maps, just an increase or decrease in fuel supply as in close-loop running.
    Every bike, and perhaps even every individual bike out of a serie, needs a custom map, including a custom spark advance map, specifically for the technical circumstances of that bike.
    IMO, standard EFI equipment, with a standard map and a closed loop circuit, will not run, will run very bad, or will in the best of cases have several flat spots or be very fuel inefficient. This needs a lot of custom mapping, something most of us are not able to do, even if the USB connection is there ...

    The kit itself looks complete though.

    My 2 cents.
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  8. #8 Re: efi kit 
    Senior C-Moto Guru euphonius's Avatar
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    Dear Mo Bobber,

    Not sure what you mean by "no insight or opinion" given that TD and I did comment, though clearly neither of us has undertaken such a project. I doubt many people have. The ScootDawg poster mentions that the main motivation for wanting to do this is a sense of fun and adventure rather than severe disappointment with the performance of one's carbed bike. It's at best a "fun to try" option, not a "must do."

    Frankly, I was kinda hoping you'd take the plunge and give the kit a try! Have a bit of fun and take lots of pix and post the whole process and results here in MCM for the benefit of all. You can be the pioneer!

    Whaddaya say?

    2010 JH600 "Merkin Muffley" (in Shanghai)
    2000 KLR650 "Feezer Ablanalp" (in California)
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  9. #9 Re: efi kit 
    Life Is Good! ChinaV's Avatar
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    $400 for a minor increase in fuel efficiency on bikes that are already very fuel efficient and a minor power increase on bikes that will never produce substantial horsepower seems like money wasted. $200 I might give it a shot.

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  10. #10 Re: efi kit 
    Senior C-Moto Guru euphonius's Avatar
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    Actually, though I'm relatively new to motorcycles (bought my 2000 KLR650 on my birthday in 2009, and my JH600 in spring of 2010), and I've owned only three cars in my life, the first two cars were VW's pioneering Type III Squarebacks. The first was a 1968 model that I bought in 1977 for $350 in Sebastopol (the engine was in the mud next to the car), and the second was a 1971 model, barely running, which I bought in 1982 for $600. What was pioneering about the Type III? VW offered an optional electronic fuel injection system, called D-Jetronic and made by Bosch, which was one of the first commercial EFI systems when launched in 1967. It's described in Wikipedia thusly:

    Bosch developed an electronic fuel injection system, called D-Jetronic (D for Druck, German for "pressure"), which was first used on the VW 1600TL/E in 1967. This was a speed/density system, using engine speed and intake manifold air density to calculate "air mass" flow rate and thus fuel requirements. This system was adopted by VW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Citroën, Saab, and Volvo. Lucas licensed the system for production with Jaguar. Bosch superseded the D-Jetronic system with the K-Jetronic and L-Jetronic systems for 1974, though some cars (such as the Volvo 164) continued using D-Jetronic for the following several years.
    The Type IIIs all had the Porsche-inspired air-cooled 1600cc "pancake" engine, a four-cylinder answer to the BMW boxer design, squirreled away behind the rear wheels in a seemingly impossibly small space, and, since the engine was secured to the differential by just four bolts and weighed less than I did, I could have it out of the car in just 15 minutes. I did so on the side of the street in San Jose one time when I sucked a valve and had to do an on-the-fly rebuild to get all the shrapnel out of the case.

    The Bosch EFI system was very very well designed, with various temperature sensors in addition to the manifold air intake density sensor mentioned above. Wires all led to a black box -- the ECU -- mounted inside a rear quarterpanel. Imagine! I had a central processing unit running my fuel system back in the 1970s! It was not user serviceable, and the only adjustment you could do was mess with the spark timing in the distributor, which employed a vacuum system to advance the spark. (I once jury-rigged a part from a soda can pull tab (yes, they were not yet banned back then; we still have them here in China)

    to keep the vacuum advance plate working properly.)

    Otherwise, the only service was to clean or replace the injectors as they became fouled. Being a cheapskate college student, I relied on rebuilt injectors.

    To make a long story short, those two cars were brilliant -- super reliable, fun to drive, could carry a ton of gear and home-made roof racks (see image below), had a big trunk up front where people thought the engine should be. Oh, and gas mileage. I never got less than 42 miles per gallon (5.6 liters per 100 km)! So I'm a huge fan of EFI, especially Bosch (and have high hopes that our JH600 stalling problems will be resolved with Bosch's help).

    2010 JH600 "Merkin Muffley" (in Shanghai)
    2000 KLR650 "Feezer Ablanalp" (in California)
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